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Those calling local doctors' and dentists' offices, etc. to see if they
would like a free PT subscription, have been ecstatic over their involve­
ment in, and the tremendous success of, this front-line participation in
fulfilling our Great Commission.
CHARLOTTE, NC--GEORGE PINCKNEY: The brethren can clearly see how quickly
world events are moving toward some dramatic cataclysm. They have been
sobered by, and have been very responsive to Mr. Armstrong's repeated
warnings to be ready. They have a good understanding of the legal situa­
tion, and are confident that God is working things out for the ultimate
benefit of His Work. PM interest and quality is remaining as good as I
have ever seen it.
CLEVELAND EAST, OH--GUY L. ENGLEBART: The brethren in the Cleveland East
church remain solid and loyal to God's Church and to Mr. Herbert W. Arm­
strong as Christ's Apostle. Everyone is anxiously awaiting the Feast of
Tabernacles. The Church was sobered by Mr. Armstrong's recent statements
indicating that time may be very short.
We have the very exciting possibility of having The PLAIN TRUTH magazine
put in all 40 branches of the public library in Cuyahoga County (county
in which Cleveland is located). We will be meeting with the library
officials this coming week. The brethren are very excited about and fully
supportive of, the PT circulation programs.
COLUMBUS, MS--ROGER W. WEST: Many fine comments on Mr. Rader's interview
with George Putnam. Church is solid in their support of Mr. Armstrong.
So far, no one in the Columbus area has left the Church.
SLUEFIELD, WV--CHARLES CRAIN: Our attendance continues to climb as new
people attend. PM activity has picked up considerably. Between the two
churches (Bluefield and Oak Hill) I have 23 requests for baptism!
CORNING, NY--BRITTON M. TAYLOR: Church is in fine shape. The attitudes
are very good. The members are quite concerned over the situation in
California. They feel it is outrageous what the state is trying to do
to God's Church. We have faith that God will work it out.
NORFOLK, VA--DANIEL C. HALL: The brethren seem to be very positive and
are looking forward to the Feast of Tabernacles. Prospective members and
�isitors seem to have a deeper interest in the Church than in years past.
�o doubt this is due to the meaty content of the PT and GN. As a result,
:hese people are asking to be baptized, many times on the first visit.
\UGUSTA, GA--JOHN RITENBAUGH: There is much concern in this �ongregation
�egarding the ongoing lawsuit. Attitudes are positive about it as people
.ook forward to this burden being lifted from the Church. People are very
!nthusiastic about the PT "waiting room" and library programs.
1EEKER, CO--RON MILLER: Appreciative of strong leadership by Mr. Arm­
;trong. Encouragement over growth figures in mail, income, etc.
1nd God is now drawing people to it.
Church stable, happy, enthusiastic
Six new people attending in past
ALBUQUERQUE, NM--WALTER M. DICKINSON: New PM's being drawn to Church;
very enthusiastic and desirous of studying, learning and then being