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"We are now in the process of trying several new newspapers, and so far
this excellent response seems to be continuing. We have received over
6,000 responses this year.
"Time Magazine: On June 23rd our PT ad appeared in Time magazine. This
went in the entire Atlantic edition which is sent to people from Iceland
to South Africa.
"The issue chosen and the position obtained turned out very well, as many
people will keep this particular copy for its excellent special coverage
on the Soviet Union. The response is also significantly above what was
expected (well over 2,000 to date), and it seems to be having an excep­
tional "life" as we are still receiving between 50 and 100 per day.
"Income was excellent in the U.K.--up 44% for the month of June over last
year, and 34% for the year to date."
Update From Australia
The Australian office reports:
"Our PLAIN TRUTH promotions this month added another 3,500 to the mailing
list. These new subscribers would have taken the mailing list well over
the 100,000 mark, except that our current renewal program, mail returns,
and some cancellations, have kept the mailing list down slightly and
fluctuating between the 90 and 100 thousand mark.
"Plain Truth Card Holders: Our PLAIN TRUTH Card Holder Subscription Pro­
gram is under way. 5,000 attractively designed card holders and one half
million post cards have been printed and are ready for distribution. Back­
ground colour of the card holders is an eye-catching green, and the bold
headlines--YOURS FREE--advertise The PLAIN TRUTH magazine.
"Placement and maintenance of the card holders on notice boards in super­
markets, clubs, universities and in other appropriate areas, will be
carried out by our members and we are eagerly waiting to see the effec­
tiveness of this new promotion.
"Campaigns: Our campaigns this year throughout Australia have born
Up to the end of June over 1,000 new people (1,018 to be exact)
have attended the campaigns, special church services, and follow-up Bible
studies. A number of these "new" people are already regularly attending
Sabbath services, and some have been baptized.
"If only one solitary individual came to repentance and baptism as a
result of all the hard work and effort put into the campaigns, etc., then
we would have to say it was well worth while, since you cannot put a
monetary or work value on a potential member of the God Family!"
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
KNOXVILLE, TN--DAVID L. ORBAN: Mr. Armstrong has certainly captured the
attention of all of us in the Church by pointing to the significance of
recent activities and developments in Europe, the Vatican, and in the
Work. To think we may only have a few more months is sobering. Everyone
is listening.