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baptized very soon. The Church is being blessed and God is expanding the
number attending. In past two months attendance increased from 150-160
to 185-195.
COFFEYVILLE, KS--VINCE SZYMKOWIAK: This month's average attendance is
the highest in well over a year.
EVERETT, WA--HARRY E. SLEDER: The Everett Church is strongly backing Mr.
Armstrong's leadership. In the urgent tone from Mr. Armstrong we all
feel the need to overcome, grow and change. I believe progress is being
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
The foreign language versions of Mr. Herbert Armstrong's book, THE INCRED­
IBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL, are now at the printers. We are printing four dif­
ferent language editions at this time. Following are the titles as they
appear in these languages:
Dutch-------"Het ongel-oflijke potentieel van de mens"
French------"L'incroyable potenialite de l' homrne"
German------"Das unglaubliche Potential des Menschen"
El Increible Potencial Humana"
Each version of the book will look identical to the original U.S. edition
except, of course, for the different language. We are very pleased that
we've been able to get everything pulled together so that we can deliver
finished books to the overseas areas in time for Feast of Tabernacles
Our plans at the moment call
the first week in September.
so that the "most important
out any delivery problems.
for delivery to each language area during
We are finalizing shipping plans this week
book since the Bible" makes it on time with-
The hard bound Everest House book UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY
by M�erbert Armstrong goes to the printer this week. This book will
be in full color, 248 pages with the same text as the recent booklet. We
are planning to have the book in the bookstores for the month of October.
If all goes well, delivery to bookshops will be taking place while we're
at the Feast.
--Publishing Services
The letters this week show appreciation for the Work's literature and
--Mail Processing Center
Literature Gives Understanding of Bible and World Events
For over one year I have taken advantage of the excellent literature
distributed by God's true Church. The PLAIN TRUTH, Good News, Bible