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to print the magazine outside New Zealand where costs tend to be less,
and remit money to pay for postage as well! Beginning with the September
issue, the New Zealand edition of the P.T. will be printed along with the
U.S. edition at Donnelly's in Kentucky. This change will save them
several thousand dollars per year!
Update From Germany
During the month of June, Austrian local elder Winfried Fritz, his wife
Carola, and daughters Natalie and Deborah, moved from Australia to Bonn.
Winfried will assist John Karlson in supervising the Bonn office as well
as in pastoring the Dusseldorf and Bonn churches.
Our other ministers in Germany report stable conditions in the churches,
and that the membership is solidly behind Mr. Armstrong.
The month of June proved to be a much better month all around in comparison
to June 1979. Incoming mail has increased in every area by at least 20%.
DonatioD mail has increased by 37%, reflecting the stable income in spite
of the summer vacation, which normally causes a sharp decrease in mail.
This month brought a total of 1,822 new subscribers for KLAR & WAHR. In
the first six months of 1980, 13,762 new subscribers were added to the
German file. Despite renewing the entire file, which resulted in dropping
over 7,000 subscribers from the list, the German Work now has a KLAR &
WAHR subscriber list of 40,300.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
JACKSONVILLE, FL--ALLEN BULLOCK: This was an exciting month. Our Church
members were so stirred up about the "60 Minutes" program that we had Mr.
Armstrong's letter answering the program put in two local papers, one of
which can be bought in the entire state. We also had ten ten-second spot
TV ads advertising the article to appear in the paper the day before the
ad appeared in the paper. Three of our best TV spot ads were during ,the
6:00 p.m. news on the two major channels in the area. One of the TV
stations had to ask their main office (Legal Dept.) in Washington: their
reply was, "We have to sell them the time." The reason for the local
office not being sure is because they air the "60 Minutes" program weekly.
Some of the people that run the local station don't like "60 Minutes" that
much and are happy they can respond. I will send a copy of the ad in next
week's report. I thought Mr. Armstrong might be pleased to see how much
the brethren are behind him.
MIDDLESBORO, KY--MEL DAHLGREN: Members very excited about all the recent
publicity on "60 Minutes." Many are being asked questions about their
Church and beliefs. Everyone is following the developments in the court
case closely.
MONTVALE, NJ--LLOYD BRIGGIE: Church attendance has been up since the
Passover and spring holy days. Zeal for the completion of God's end-time
Work has been stirred up. The "60 Minutes" segment plus full-page ads in
the New York Times enhances the excitement. More people are corning to the
point of baptism.