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ALBANY, NY--LYLE WELTY: Members are quite excited about the end of our
Work being only perhaps months away. This has had a profound impact on
the congregation. We received a number of favorable comments regarding
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's articles regarding D & R and third tithe.
MOBILE, AL--STEVEN D. MOODY: We have had very good interest and results
from and with the PT waiting room prograrn--40% of all waiting rooms con­
tacted took subscriptions. We had a good turnout of volunteers.
CANTON, OH--JOHN FOSTER: Most members are happy to be involved in PT
distribution and calling programs. There is a feeling of urgency that
we must do all we can to help Mr. Armstrong finish our commission.
YOUNGSTOWN, OH--EUGENE NOEL: Attitudes are very good overall. Many more
new people are requesting visits and baptisms--more than double last
year's. We had very good response to our public Bible lectures in Mercer,
PitTSBURGH, PA--DON J. LAWSON: Things are going well. Overall, people
are excited about the direction the Church is taking under the leadership
of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. The Church is again getting closer and
involved. We do not run into the questions and bad attitudes common a
couple of years back.
MIAMI, FL--AL KERSHA: The Miami Church continues to be positive and
responsiv� and encouraged by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's example and
leadership. The membership is continuing to draw closer to one another
and be more involved in the several serving opportunities available to
them. The momentum is there!
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Any U.S. Church Pastors who have requests
for Second Tithe Assistance for members to
attend the Feast and haven't sent them in
yet,should do so by no later than July 21.
We need to receive the forms by that date
in order to give priority to the most
deserving recipients and facilitate pro­
cessing of the requests.
--Ministerial Services