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We were also overjoyed to both hear and meet Mr. Rader in Bible
study last Sabbath. His enthusiasm and support of you and God's
Work can't help but encourage all of us whom God is training for
His government.
We thank God daily for the great Work He is doing through you. We
are your children in the Lord and we look forward to serving Jesus
Christ with you through all eternity.
We love you Mr. Armstrong and support you totally.
Bruce and Sonnie Tyler
All we hoped for and more!
The classes are stimulating, positive and informative. The fellow­
ship is warm and uplifting.
Unity is the keynote--makes for the most stimulating and refreshing
time in my career in the ministry!
--Jeff and Geneva Barness
News From New Zealand
The Auckland office has been overwhelmed by the dramatic and encouraging
increase in tithes and offerings in recent months. Month after month has
seen previous income records smashed, and June was no exception. Mail
income recorded by far the highest monthly figure ever reached by the
office there--a stunning 68.2% increase over the figure for June last
year. That gives a year-to-date increase in tithes and offerings of
32.7% over the first half of 1979.
New Zealand also has experienced encouraging growth in other areas.
Ministers all over the country are reporting a growing amount of PM
interest, and average church attendance for the first six months of this
year is 18% ahead of the same period last year. June's average weekly
attendance figure of 959 was the highest on record for this area of the
world. With vigorous promotion of the Correspondence Course this year
the number of students is now 421% ahead of the number this time last
Over 5,700 pieces of mail were received in June, an increase of 32.7%
over last June. 5,294 new P.T. subscribers have been added as a result
of this year's householder card promotion, at a cost per response of
only $2.83. So far the promotion has been made only to half of the
country; the rest of the letterboxes will be covered later in the year.
Ads for the P.T. and P.V. in various Pacific Island newspapers have so
far prompted 277 responses, at a cost per response of $7.94.
Finally, some tremendous news! A real shot in the arm was given to
their budget by the unexpected lifting recently of import restrictions
on overseas magazines. In the past, !real regulations have required
them to print the P.T. in New Zealanu no matter what the cost. This
month, these restrictions were miraculously lifted and they're now free