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Recapturing True Values in Y.O.U.
As all of you know, Mr. Herbert Armstrong is now personally directing
every facet of God's Work. Our responsibility as ministers is to carry
out our pastoral duties according to the instructions of God's Apostle.
Mr. Armstrong has repeatedly cautioned us about the dangers of a comĀ­
petitive spirit. Yet, it is becoming evident that even our Y.O.U.
activities have taken on a great deal of that spirit. This does not
affect only the teens!
Many ministers, coordinators, and parents have
become so involved in winning that they have lost sight of the purposes
of Y.O.U. activities.
If we are going to "recapture true values" in working with our young
people, we need to change the emphasis of these programs. The place to
start is the various tournaments which lead to higher and higher levels
of competition. Because winning is so highly rewarded, many teams strive
for competitive advantage and a wrong spirit is injected into God's
The objectives of Y.O.U. can be achieved among the most people at the
local and district levels. Therefore, all athletic competition above
the district level will be discontinued, and greater emphasis will be
placed on expanded district play to provide all teams with ample
opportunities for playing and learning.
As Pastors, you will need to enthusiastically cooperate with the District
Coordinators to plan edifying and encouraging activities for your teens.
Each of you will be asked to serve as Coordinator on a rotating basis.
Coordinators will report to Mr. Armstrong through Ministerial Services.
Please begin also to emphasize family-oriented activities that will
encourage teens and parents to participate together. Satan is attacking
the family--we must defend it! Strengthening the family strengthens the
whole Church. As we all work diligently to follow Mr. Armstrong's lead
in preparing the Bride to meet Jesus Christ, God will continue to bless
His Work and His people.
Ministers Grateful for Refreshing Program
The following two notes from among the ministry and their wives attending
the first Ministerial Refreshing Program express heartfelt appreciation
for the classes. Mr. Armstrong asked that we reprint them in this section
of the Pastor General's Report.
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Please allow me to take a few precious seconds of your time to
say Thank You, and to confirm our total loyalty to you as God's
Apostle. --
My wife and I are here from Australia for the first Ministerial
Refreshing Program. (We graduated from Bricket Wood .10 years ago.)
After only two days of classes, we want to convey to you our
excitement of being able to hear from both Mr. Tkach and Mr.
Blackwell. We wish all the ministry were here at this time to
hear your words relayed to us.