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At noon, Mr. Rader was invited to be the guest of NBC affiliate, KCRA-TV,
on their live segment of a midday news program. He was asked a number of
questions by leading news personality, Sue Pierson. First they discussed
with Mr. Rader the special full-page advertisement where Mr. Herbert
Armstrong offers $100,000 to the person or persons who reveal the truth
about the false witnesses who accused God's Work. Then, Ms. Pierson
asked some very pertinent questions about the true issues involved in
the State of California's assault on the Church. Mr. Rader complimented
her immediately and told her that she had just asked the best questions
on this issue in the 18 months since the Attorney General's office had
swooped down upon God's Church without regard for search and seizure laws
or constitutional rights.
Ms. Pierson was visibly pleased that Mr. Rader felt that she had "hit the
nail on the head." She then asked what the Attorney General will do next.
Mr. Rader answered, "George Deukmejian has a tiger by the tail and he
doesn't know what to do with it." They ended the interview with a closeup
shot of the cover of Mr. Rader's new book, Against the Gates of Hell, and
quoted the cover caption which says, "The shattering story of an assault
mounted by a big State against a small Church and how its members fought
back to protect the vital liberties of all of us."
Later the same day Mr. Rader participated in a three-hour informal dis­
cussion and interview with the news director of radio station KFBK, a Mr.
Pat Casey. KFBK is an all-news CBS radio outlet. Mr. Casey quickly
learned that he was dealing with a uniquely educated and well-trained
individual. Mr. Rader proceeded in a most interesting way to explain to
Mr. Casey the real issues of our legal battle with the State.
Mr. Casey interrupted Mr. Rader a few times to tell him that the reputatio:
of the good works and Great Commission of the Worldwide Church of God are
becoming more and more well known in the radio and televison industry as
of late. Mr. Rader pointed out to him that this was due primarily to the
leadership and priorities of its Apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, and
has now been amplified around this nation due to the publicity of our
battle with the State. Mr. Rader also pointed out that a man like Mr.
Armstrong has the wisdom and vision to see why it is so essential that
this Church be in the vanguard of the quest for the preservation of
religious freedoms.
In this interview, as well as a number of others, Mr. Rader was asked
what he and Mr. Armstrong tell world leaders on their travels and why he
had not been invited by our federal government to deliver the same
m � ssage to them. He responded, "We tell the Chinese and the representa­
tives of governments around the world that their government and all other
governments on this earth shall fail because man has turned his back on
his Creator." Mr. Rader went on to say, "The other nations of the world
will listen and at least consider this important message. Our nation
won't. Mr. Armstrong then tells these world leaders and representatives
that the governments of this world will be replaced by the only perfect
and fair government of peace. Of course, he directly announces to them
the return to this earth of God's Government, and they respect Mr. Arm­
strong enough to hear what he has to say."
That same evening, Mr. Rader was asked by CBS television station, KXTV,
his personal opinion of George Deukmejian. He replied, "We think he
ought to come out of the closet and show himself for what he really is.