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is carried via satellite on cable TV networks throughout the Pacific
Northwest. Anchorman Pete Wilson, during two eight-minute live segments,
discussed with Mr. Rader some very interesting questions as to why the
nation's most popular and influential televison program (CBS' "60 Minutes")
and the Attorney General's office of the nation's largest state are
involving themselves in the affairs of a seemingly small church like the
Worldwide Church of God. Once again, openly, warmly, and candidly Mr.
Rader was able to "tell the world" the answer to that question. It also
gave him a very fine opportunity to introduce his new book, Against the
Gates of Hell, which both Pete Wilson and Mary Jane Popp showed a keen
interest in.
Present with Mr. Rader at both these interviews were local Church Pastors
Joel Lillengreen, Marc Segall and their wives. In talking with Mr.
Rader's Executive Assistant, Mr. John Kineston, they all expressed how
glad they were to have a chance to get to know Mr. Rader personally. In
spending time with Mr. Rader between interviews, Mr. Lillengreen com­
Mr. Rader exudes a tireless enthusiasm for God's Work and the
important goals that Mr. Armstrong has been leading us towards. He is
very appreciative of the support and quality of the Church brethren, and
was very open with all of us." In the same day Mr. Rader was inter­
viewed by reporter Wayne Wilson of the Sacramento Bee Newspaper.
The following day church pastor Marc Segall received a phone call from
Mary Jane Popp. She mentioned that many of her colleagues from other
radio and TV stations in the Sacramento area had heard the interviews
and were highly interested in having Mr. Rader on their stations. She
also mentioned that in reviewing Mr. Rader's book she found it, "eye­
opening and very fascinating." As of the time this article is being
written, Mr. Rader has been invited to return to the State capital and
to San Francisco on June 23 and 24 for a two-day series of TV interviews
and guest appearances on even more popular radio talk shows. We will
also cover those for the Pastor General's Report.
* * * * * *
The Plain Truth about God's Church was powerfully broadcasted to Central
and Northern California, as well as Oregon and Washington by Mr. Stanley
Rader. Following the June 17 appearance on a Sacramento radio talk show
and a televison news program, Mr. Rader was invited to appear on all three
television network stations in California's capital city, as well as two
50,000 watt radio shows.
On Monday morning, June 23, he was televised standing in front of the
California State Capitol Building, being interviewed by one of the leading
newsmen from KOVR-TV, the ABC affiliate station. This interview concerned
itself mainly with the subject matter printed in the Church's booklet on
·The First Amendment, State vs. Church. Mr. Rader was asked to comment on
whether George DeukmeJian's ethics had hurt the strength of the Church.
He replied, "The strength of the Church of God is the church people, the
brethren. We are not anchored to buildings or other assets; the buildings
are not the church. So therefore, since the church members were strength­
ened and unified by this unprecedented attack against the Worldwide Church
of God, George Deukrnejian helped this Church much more than he hurt us."
This interview was aired on the 5:00 P.M. News.