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Church of God
has been
publicly smeared. We be­
Those deputized under the
Roman government used the testi­
mony of FALSE WITNESSES to put
,Jesus Christ to death. To this day
there are nonbelievers who still
credit the untruthful testimony of
those false witnesses.
Bearing false witness is one of the 10
MAJOR SfNs in the sight of GOD. As Jesus
Christ sutfered at the betrayal of false
witnesses, so His Church of this genera >
tion has had to sutfer this despicable
We bf:'lieve false may have beer.
n,ached bv deputized government represen·
tati\·es- in ·the wording of their false allega·
The very Word of God-the Holy Bible­
rnmmands us to Bt1Y the truth. and ..sell it
not." So we have set aside the sum of
$100.000 tu buy the TRL"TH and pubiic-ly
dear our good name frrim this evil persecu­
This entire surn will be paid to one. o r
\' two u r more, who will now come
forward with the TRl'TH!
On .Jan. :I. 1979. without the le�ally
required advance notice. a mass.ive armed
ntta,ck was. made un \\'orldwide Church of
Go<l headquarter!'. of Pasadena. Catif.
, by
deputized aients of the California attorney
,!!eneral\ office.
Sen!>ational false allegations were made
that chief officers of thls Church had
siphoned otf millions of dollars to their own
accounts and personal use every year. These
false alleJ:;:ati1ins screamed in big type acros.s
eight-column headlines in news­
paper-;;. cuast-to-ci,ast.
These salacious alleg-ations. made by per­
sons we believe to be false witnesses. did
irreparahle damage to the present genera­
tion of the Church of the Jiving GOD�
ALL these allegations have been either
disproved or refuted b')I positive evidence.
The attorney genaal has furnished no evi-
denee �o the contrary, leading !.
o the crrndu­
:siun that he therefore acted either on the
basis of no information whate�·er ur rm the
ha.sis of false informatiiln.
The \\'or!dwide Church ufGod has there­
fore e;.;rahli;:,hed a fund totaling $1()(),000 for
the purpose of compensating persons who
come fi•nvard withi,hjective €\ idence estab­
lishing that this law!-Uit against the Church
resulted l'rnm the �c-t\vities nf those who
knowingly bore t'al;.;e witness and enabling
the Church publicly w clear it.a, name.
�pel'.ltically, th.e Churc:h will pay out all of
the nwney ln this fund to the person or
persons who provide to the Church evidence
that establishe:, tu a rea,;nnable certaintv :
l) That false ur misleading informat.
concerning 1he Church. Lts members, l}tti­
cers. aE;ent,; ur emptnyees was given to
repre!'.entali\:es nf California·::: attnrney gl::'n­
eral ur to the atturnE'\- general's informants:
2) the ldent1tv r,f the person or persons
furnl,;hlng rnch fal�e infurmati<.
in: and
3 > the -'-ubstance and details of �uch faJse
information: and
4) the identity of the person or persons
to whom �uch information wa� given: and
5} that the person or persons furnishing
,;uch false information knew lt to be false or
,;uspect tlr had no reason to belteve it was
true; and
6) That such person or persl,ns knowing·
Iv furnished such false information for an
iderititied ultE-rinr pmpu:,e
That specific, Ldentitied individuals were
sollcitt>d or ur�ed or induced to do the
foregoing by a person ur per-sons af . su specif­
icallv named or identified.
The forev.oing uffer is subject to the
following conditl-nns
1. This otfer ls for a limited time only
and will terminate on �ept. 10, 1980.
2. All daims submitted in re�ponse to this
otfer are required to he in writing and rnust be
received no later than the above date.
3_ The Church will determine whether
any ;nformat1on :,:,uhrnitted qualifies for
C()mpensation from the fund, that is to sav.
it wi!I judge the relevancy, credihility and
�t.tHicienc.v (Jf any e�·idence submitted.
4, Evidence ""ubmitted must he dear and
convinelng and sufficient to establish the
required facts to the satisfaction of an
ubjec-fr, : e and reasonable mind. It i"" not,
however, required, that such evidence nee"
es:-.ari1y he l
ally adml,;,,::;ible nor t . hat it he
;-;utficient to warrant a prosecurion or con­
victlon, whlch is not the purpose or intent of
he otfer
5. Evidence ur informatiun {concerning
facts) already known W- the Church or
otherwise gerieral\y established will not
6. Claimants must be prepared, in order
t1J qualify for compensation frnm the fund.
to verifv evidence submitted under oath, in
affidavCt ,\r ded : ,
nat\nn form or by swnrn
7. In the event that more than one
claimant qualifies for compensation from
the fund, then reward mone\' will be allo­
cated. both as to person$ ancl ;_mount. by an
impartlal panel. The decision uf a majority
of the panel will be tinal
8. Any disputes regarding the Church's
determinatinn in respect of any claim or any
utber disagreements of whatever kind will
be referred to and resolved by the panel.
<1nd a decision of the panel's majority in
respect of any such dispute or disagreement
will be finaL
9. All claims submitted in response to
this otfer must be in writing and ad.dressed
tu the Church as follows: Worldwide Church
of God, Box 111, Pitsadena. Calif., 9112:�.
Attention Reward Response
Pastor General
Worldwide Church of God
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