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thankful for the calling and I'm striving for more knowledge and
understanding, which I'm getting from you (Mr. Armstrong), Head­
quarters and my Church through Christ, the Head of the Church.
--Leah M. (Emporium, PA)
As a member of God's Church for 22 years, I am happy to be sending
you God's tithe for the month.
I am more desirous of supporting
God's Work. I have seen conditions go from indifference to frighten­
ing. I can say that in 1960 I couldn't say, "God please, we need
your son, my Saviour, to return." Today the pressures on me and on
the generations that follow are very great.
I can now, with all my
heart, pray "Dear Father, Thy Kingdom Corne!"
--Elizabeth S. (South Pasadena, CA)
Just a note to tell you we thank you (Mr. Armstrong) for your service
and loyalty to this great Work. We're both just happy to have been
called to hold up your hancrs.-
- - Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. (Mattoon, IL)
I have been a baptized member now for 12 years and within the last
two months my husband has begun to attend church services. He is
keeping the Sabbath day holy and wants to begin tithing. We both
are so excited to have a part in God's Work.
--Mrs. Larry M. (Rockport, TX)
I pray for you and for the Church and for the Work every day.
I am
painfully and sorrowfully watching a niece die of an incurable dis­
ease, and I think of millions of others who are suffering horrible
pain and indignities in Satan's society and I want it to end!
Then I look up and see the sunshine, a lovely flower, the intricacies
of a bird's feathers and the miracle of a healthy baby; and I am very
grateful for the truth, for my calling, for the incredible human
--Mrs. Kathryn R. (Toledo, OH)
I'm proud to be a part of this Work. I'm hoping and praying for the
Kingdom to come quickly. Thanks to everyone at headquarters and may
God bless this Work.
--Harold B. (Amelia, OH)
Grateful Responses to Romans Tapes
I heard you on tape at Church in Pikeville, Kentucky. It brought
back memories of the old days when I saw you at the feast sites. It
really was good to hear your voice again and to know it was you. You
seem as strong in voice as ever. So keep up the good work.
--Mr. & Mrs. Bill K. (Honaker, KY)
We all had the privilege, last Sabbath, to listen to your Bible study
on the book of Romans. I found it to be very inspiring. I did
notice how strong your voice is. I'm praying for your health. I
know God is answering.
--Mrs. Paul E. (Lemore, CA)