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You could also inform these "deferred" prospective students that they can
use the coming year as a profitable time in which to develop their talents,
skills, abilities, and also as a time in which they can earn--and save!-­
badly needed funds to help finance their education while at Ambassador.
Finally, there is one other problem area which merits mention. In some
instances a "deferred" prospective student (or his friends, relatives, or
even his minister) may compare himself with someone who has already been
"accepted," and may ask: "Why wasn't I accepted? I am sure I'm just as
qualified, or more so, as the one who has already been accepted by Ambas­
I hope that everyone will be careful to reserve judgment in such matters-­
realizing that those who serve on the "Admissions Team" here at Pasadena
are conscientious and impartial. We sincerely strive to be "fiercely im­
partial" in making such decisions, even when it concerns the children of
ministers, faculty, or employees of the College or Church.
Again, thanks to all of you ministers for encouraging the young people in
your Church areas to enter Ambassador College--and thanks also for your
enthusiastic and loyal support of God's College!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
We have prepared two new items to help newsstand coordinators improve
their local newsstand program. One item is an introductory brochure which
presents the newsstand program in a favorable and positive light. The
brochure is designed so that new or prospective managers and owners of
stores, newsstands or other outlets can better understand the benefits of
displaying The PLAIN TRUTH on one of our magazine racks. The brochure can
also be left with existing outlets to help reaffirm the manager's initial
decision to give The PLAIN TRUTH rack some space in his establishment.
The second item is a new poster which can be displayed in a window or on a
wall, etc. This postersays "FREE INSIDE" "The monthly magazine of under­
standing--read by millions worldwide." This piece has been specifically
designed to simply attract more people into the shop or store. Copies of
the brochure and the poster will be sent to all pastors.
--Publishing Services
This week's comments begin with letters from members grateful for the
opportunity to help support God's Work. Other letters express apprecia­
tion for the recent Romans tapes and specifically..mention the renewed
strength of Mr. Armstrong's voice. Finally, comments from both members
and co-workers show concern over worsening end-time world conditions.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Members Share Feelings About the Church
I'm sorry I wasn't in this Church when I was younger and raising
my two children, and therefore could have given them a better way
of life for their future. But that is all in the past and am most