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realize more fully and really appreciate the "fighter" in Mr. Herbert W.
Armstrong. Because of this literal soldier quality in him, this Work and
college struggled and grew through opposition from without and within,
every inch of the way.
This attack by the State of California has been no different and he has
again fought in a powerful and godly way to repel Satan, using every means
at his disposal. That included moving headquarters to Tucson, difficult
administration changes, legal actions, etc.
Jesus Christ, Moses, Daniel, Paul, young David, etc. were "violent"
fighters against any encroachment of evil. And I deeply appreciate and
support any and all strategies and efforts Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong makes
in keeping God's Church ahead of the clutches of Satan. When the famine
of the r.--7ord comes, it won't be because our Apostle didn't fight against
all odds to continue the Work as long as possible (Matt. 11:12).
COOS BAY, OR--GREG JOHNSON: Conducted four Bible lectures--a total of 15
new people.
ROSEBURG, OR--GREG JOHNSON: Conducted two Bible lectures--total of 18 new
people, five coming to Church.
COLUMBIA, MO--RICHARD RAND: Baptized three people. Church is solid.
CHICO, CA--MARC SEGALL: The brethren devised a fairly unique way of
raising funds for a special offering to God's Work. Then, on their own,
they initiated another project to give an offering as a congregation. We
figured that with the economic problems in the nation, this might be a
good year for special fund-raising projects. It is encouraging for my
wife and me to see the brethren growing in faith and the other fruits of
God's Spirit. Brethren appreciate reports from Hotline and Pastor Gener­
al's Report.
We are praying that Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Rader are able to make the
history-making trip to the u.s.s.R. Also, we thought we should mention
how obvious it has been the last few months to us that the content of The
PLAIN TRUTH and GOOD NEWS is more inspiring and moving than ever before.
The quality and impact of the articles are more and more noticeably out­
standing. It leaves the reader with a sense of pride that we are a part
of such a growing, giving Work.
BLACKFOOT, ID--RANDY SCHREIBER: The GOOD NEWS magazine has been very
good. The special on faith is very helpful to people.
CHICAGO SOUTHSIDE, IL--ALLAN BARR: We have good r�ults in distributing
the newsstand PT in downtown Chicago. Two men from the southside Church
set up a temporary newsstand in a downtown "El'' station. They distributed
250 PTs in one hour.
GLENDALE, CA--RON LAUGHLAND: More positive comments are heard each day
about the Work and the current direction Christ is leading the Church.
Christian growth is becoming apparent in many. A new vibrancy seems to
be pervading the congregation.