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ROLLA, MO--WARREN J. HEATON, JR.: All is just fine here. People are
looking to headquarters--to Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. The people are
really behind Mr. Armstrong and God's Work.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
On behalf of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and the faculty, I wish to thank all
of you ministers, worldwide, for your enthusiastic support of Ambassador
College. Also, I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your part
in encouraging prospective students in your areas to apply for entrance
into Ambassador College.
For many months now, it has been evident to me and to others of the admin­
istration and/or faculty of the College that God's ministry is now really
"turned on" regarding the present course of Ambassador, whereas only a
very few years ago, many of the ministers were somewhat negative about the
College--due primarily to the problems which Ambassador was then experienc­
ing. At that time some ministers expressed the view that they didn't pre­
fer to have their sons and daughters attend the College--since they were
convinced Ambassador had jumped the track in certain fundamental areas.
However,. now that Christ has led Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong to put Ambassado1
back on the track, the vast majority of God's ministers worldwide are very
favorable toward Ambassador College and are enthusiastically supportive of
what God is doing in the College. Although I and the other administrators
of A.C. diligently strive to carry out Mr. Armstrong's policies, we are
not having the students march around in "uniforms and jackboots," as a
former minister and administrator of the College had prophesied would
However, let no one misunderstand: the present administration (under Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong's direct supervision and orders) is not winking at
immorality, drunkenness, drug abuse, etc. in God's College. Under Mr.
Armstrong's direct instructions, we may give an offending student one
warning (and certainly will overlook�mistake--if truly repented of)
should a student corrunit�erious infraction of College policy in one of
these important areas of moral conduct.
How to Encourage Turned Down Prospective Students
On behalf of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and myself, and on behalf of the
faculty, I wish to sincerely thank all of you ministers--and also the
parents--for doing a very good job in encouraging prospective students in
your areas to apply for entry into Ambassador. Yog_, have done such a good
job that we had about three times as many prospective students wanting
to enroll for College this fall as we were able to accept. This imposes
a problem which I wish to discuss briefly with you ministers so you will
have the facts at your disposal--should a prospective student ask you why
he or she was not accepted at Ambassador for the coming college year
The Chancellor of the College, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, informed us some
time ago that he does not want enrollment at Ambassador to exceed 500. I
intend to see that his instructions are faithfully carried out.