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of today's brethren so wise or so attracted to those in the world that
he or she can play with fire, and not heed the examples and commands of
God's Word and the advice of God's Apostle today? What happened in
Solomon's case?
And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his heart
was turned from the Lord God of Israel, which had appeared unto him
twice.•." (I Kings 11: 8-10) .
If there are members in your area who are dating outside the Church, they
should be counseled. Then, if they are unresponsive to the admonition of
God's ministry and the scriptures, such a one may have to be disfellow­
shipped. The deciding factor would be a wrong attitude--one in which the
person demonstrates an unyielding spirit in defiance and opposition to
God's Word�-a spirit (or attitude) that has not been conquered by God.
Such a one must choose between outside companionship and that of Christ
and the Church, either or.
Update From Vancouver Office
May has been an exciting month in many ways. Two hundred and fifty miles
south of Vancouver, Mount St. Helens began to erupt spewing <lust and steam.
Vancouver, B.C. had a hardly noticeable sprinkling of volcanic dust. But
in the grain growing areas of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, severe
drought conditions and volcanic ash fallout threaten the harvest for 1980.
This could have serious worldwide repercussions. During the holy day
weekend, Mr. McCullough requested that the church pray for rain and two
days later Mr. George Patrickson in Alberta was complaining of a flooded
basement! The rains came but more is needed.
Despite the ominous trends of the month, mail income hit 30% for the f st
time in many years. Year-to-date income increase stands at 21.5%. The
Pentecost holy day offering was 26% ahead of last year's.
The Work of the Data Processing Department was streamlined this past month
with the installation of a mini-computer. Compatible and on-line with the
Pasadena installation, it will facilitate easier management of information
input and output and allow development of a more efficient business system.
On the media front, response to our various programs continues to be
positive. Fifty new supermarket outlets for The PLAIN TRUTH newsstand
magazine will be available in September in the Edmonton area. The T.V.
Guide coupon for the three booklets, Dilemma of Drugs, Principles of
Healthful Living and Managing Your Personal Finances, has produced over
7000 responses in the first week. Our goal of 10,000 responses certainly
looks attainable. Final artwork for the newspaper flyer test campaign
advertising the U.S. and Britain in Prophecy and The PLAIN TRUTH was
approved this past week. The four-pager will be seen in five areas-­
Prince George, Red Deer, North Battleford, Peterborough and Moncton--where
170,000 flyers will be distributed. If the first campaign is successful,
a major nationwide campaign will be launched in September/October.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA--LES MCCOLM: The Church is happy and growing spirit­
ually. Even several new PMs are attending and seem to be more of the
calibre of those new ones of the late 60s and early 70s when the TOMOR­
ROW'S WORLD magazine was being printed (meaty articles).