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S REPORT, June 6, 1980
Page 14
The letters this week show a very good response to Mr. Armstrong's member
and co-worker letters (April 28th) on tithing. Readers also expressed
appreciation for The WORLDWIDE NEWS, especially Dexter Faulkner's column,
"Just One More Thing." Finally, a couple of members share remarkable de­
tails of recent healings.
--Mail Processing Center
Members Respond to Tithing Letter
Your letter about the importance of
thing came today. I'm sorry
you had to write it. I hope the people not paying tithes are in a
small minority. We came into God's Church at a time when we were not
very well off financially, but through learning the truth and doing
our best to be faithful and pay tithes, we have been blessed. We
know we have and are grateful.
--Mr. & Mrs. H.H. (Houston, TX)
Thanks for your helpful letter admonishing us to continue putting
God first where our incomes are concerned. My fixed income grows
smaller even with the raises from time to time. But we know that
when we trust and obey God and put our faith in Christ, He will
always come through with His promises.
--Mary S. (Columbus, OH)
Thank you so much for your recent letter dated April 28 on the sub­
ject of tithing. I did not realize how wrong I
ve been for 5 years.
I've been ignorantly tithing on take-home pay. May God richly bless
you for waking me up to this mistake. As soon as I read your letter,
I fell on my knees and repented to God for holding back tithes on
the gross amount. I could never repay God for what I've held back.
One thing is for sure though, I shall be tithing on the gross from
now on.
--Member (New Jersey)
Your letter was very timely and very much appreciated. I pray, with
you, that all of God's people will remember that He blesses the
tithe payer. I can testify to that personally and I hope I never,
never forget it.
--Mrs. Lorraine F. (Tremont, IL)
We want to thank you for correcting us on our tithe. We sure don't
want to rob God and we know that although on the surface it would
appear we can't afford to tithe, our Father always provides the
things we need. He never lets us down and we don't want
let Him
down either.
--Mrs. Rachel J. (Topeka, KS)
� just got thr � ugh reading your letter about tithing; a timely warn­
ing to me. While I would not dream of robbing God of my first tithe,
I've had my doubts about the third tithe and offering. There is very
little left for groceries, utilities, insurance. I was on third tithe
for a number of years and know how deeply thankful I was to get that
help--and I want to help others. God has promised to supply our
needs so I'm going to claim that promise and pay my third tithe, too.