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The reason for these sites filling up so quickly is that almost 50% of
those responding so far have requested transfers. The overall figure in
years past has been about 30%. However, as long as space is available,
transfers will be approved-.�
--Festival Coordination Team
Mail processing recently sent the following memo to Mr. Herbert Armstrong.
It illustrates a dramatic change that has occurred since he has taken
direct charge of God's Church and His Work. We hope you will be as en­
couraged by this news as we are.
Mail Processing Center
Here's an astonishing bit of information we in MPC thought you would
find interesting.
Before you started to put the Church back on track about 1 1/2 years
ago, we were receiving 30%-33% negative comments from people. (This
was during the period when Ted had to be put out, when negative pub­
licity in the news media about the Work was widespread, when the
receiver came in, etc.). People were upset, had questions, and were
writing to us about the turmoil that was going on.
Now, however, all that has changed! Since you have begun to take a
firm hand in the operation of the Work, negative comments have
dropped to almost nothing.
During the period of January to May 1980, nearly 99% of letters
directed to our Comments Section were overwhelmingly positive!
Looking at all the mail received by MPC since January of this year,
less than one letter out of 10,000 from members, co-workers, donors
and regularsubscribers was considered a "negative comment."
This is very encouraging and inspiring to us who work in Mail
Processing. It shows that the guidance and direction you are giving
to the Work are having a tremendously POSITIVE effect! People are
being reassured again of God's leadership.
We wanted to share this with you--and hope that it can be encouraging
to you, as it is to us.
The literature request cards we have been inserting in The PLAIN TRUTH
continue to produce very positive results.
So far, nearly 34,000 responses have come in for the booklets advertised
in the April PLAIN TRUTH. All together nearly 110,000 booklets and re­
prints have been requested from this one issue alone. Last month 57% of
all booklet requests came in through The PLAIN
Since May of last year, nearly every issue has had a literature request
card bound inside advertising Mr. Armstrong's basic booklets. These cards
have generated greatly increased numbers of booklet requests, and in the
future should result in increased growth.
--Publishing Services