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BISMARCK, ND--DAN CREED: I certainly appreciate the many things that Mr.
Armstrong is able to write about and clear up any questions on. It was
good to hear his clarification on saving a tithe on the gross as opposed
to the net. I also appreciated him determining who should attend the
Passover services. His comments on such issues really help.
LAS VEGAS, NV--BERNIE SCHNIPPERT: Attendance keeps increasing for seem­
ingly no obvious reasons. Many people interested in Mr. Herbert W. Arm­
strong's upcoming trips, etc.
MONROE, LA--BRISCOE ELLETT, II: There seems to be more sickness than
there should be. But all in all the people are allowing these trials to
draw them closer to God. Attendance, with the exception of one Sabbath
of bad weather, is really up. God's Spirit is certainly evident.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
The Pastor General's Hotline tape, which has been made available on our
800-423-4444 WATS number, will now be taped once a week beginning this
In order to distribute the incoming calls over the entire week, we're
asking that each area call on a specific day of the week. Also, we would
still like to have either you, your wife or someone you designate call in.
A few have given the number out for anyone to call in and, of course,
this tends to crowd the lines used by those calling in for booklets, etc.
Because of the once-a-week tapings during the summer, the following
schedule will apply:
*Pacific time zone churches -- Tuesday
*Mountain time zone churches -- Wednesday
*Central time zone churches Thursday
*Eastern time zone churches -- Friday
*Please call during our regular working hours (8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.)
Thank you for your dedicated support and cooperation.
--Bill Butler, Telephone Response
Several questions have arisen regarding the booths and dorms at Big Sandy.
This space, along with the camp spaces, will be assigned in July-.�Members
will be informed as soon as possible thereafter exactly where they are
assigned. Please remind your congregation(s) that camping in the Piney
Woods must be assigned. It is not on an own-arrangement basis. It appears
that the booths and dorms are now filled to capacity. We regret that we
will not be able to take any more requests until further notice.
With 67% of the members in the U.S. having responded, Hawaii and Vail are
now full; however, for those wishing to travel, there is still room in
Biloxi and Orlando. Housing in Eugene is very scarce, but camping is
still plentiful.