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Of course, offerings reflected the rise in attendance. Offerings for
�he Feasts of Unleavened Bread and Pentecost were up 24% and 11.3%
The high attendance plus many enthusiastic comments revealed that the
German-speaking brethren's commitment to the Work is as strong as ever.
The Swiss brethren had the additional pleasure of greeting Local Elder
Tom Lapacka from Texas on the last Holy Day. Tom and Linda Lapacka and
their two boys moved to Europe in mid-May in order to serve the Swiss
churches (Zurich and Basel} from southernmost Germany.
Additional news for the month of April involved an increase in the number
of services for West Berlin. Now the people attending services there will
be able to meet twice a month instead of just once. The availability of
a new hall plus increased attendance (due to the January campaign) gave
impetus to the decision to increase the number of services.
The month of April showed a 16.5% increase in mail income over last year.
That gives the German area of God's Work a year-to-date mail income in­
crease of 14%.
Conunents From Monthly Church Reports
SALEM, OR--DAVID H. MILLS: The brethren here are very inspired following
the best spring Holy Days ever and a fantastic visit by Mr. Waterhouse!
Some who had problems, like smoking, drinking, etc. are facing their pro­
blems and overcoming. There was very good support for the public Bible
OLYMPIA, WA--LAMBERT GREER: Everyone was uplifted by Mr. Gerald Water­
house's visit. The Church is excited about the Feast and plans for
housing, etc.
SHREVEPORT, LA--BILL BRADFORD: Attendance continues to be high. Many
comments from members about how much the Feast of Unleavened Bread meant
to them this year.
LONGVIEW, TX--BILL BRADFORD: Things are going very well in Longview.
The attendance continues to set records.
ST. PAUL, MN--BILL JAHNS: All's well in St. Paul. Attendance has started
to rise. Mr. Armstrong's taped sermon from Tucson was very fine.
GARDEN GROVE, CA--DOUG HORCHAK: Brethren are excited about renewed
direction in God's Church and anxious to be given the direction from Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong that they hadn't had for years.
SCOTT CITY, KS--KELLY BARFIELD: Many hard hit by winter, but things
improving. Everyone loyal to the Work and Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong.
RENO, NV--JIM CHAPMAN: Appreciated the Holy Days. A lot of excitement
being generated because of world events and Feast of Tabernacles plans.
Very favorable reaction to recent T.V. programs.
BIG SANDY, TX--DON WARD: We had an all-time record per person offering
on the last Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread ($25.08 per person) which
was a 48% increase over last year!