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Thank You, Mr. Armstrong!
Many times I have been moved by Mr. Armstrong's example, especially in
recent months. Perhaps a public expression of appreciation for his labor
of love and sacrifice would be in order here. I am sure many of you have
felt the same way and could join me in spirit in saying "Thank you, Mr.
God's Apostle, through the abundance of his inspired writing and speaking,
has built this Work. His articles have unquestionably been inspired. He
writes with a special, God-given insight about world conditions, and ties
those momentous happenings in with end-time prophecy. I was especially
moved by his latest PLAIN TRUTH article, "A Voice Cries Out Amid Religious
Confusion (Part Five)" and the GOOD NEWS article about Church history--both
outstanding examples of what I mean.
Mr. Armstrong certainly does not believe in retiring. His vigorous and
forthright speaking and writing is setting a tremendous example for all of
us. The voluminous work he has produced, especially in the last year,
should stop the mouth of even the most foolish gainsayer who might be
tempted to falsely accuse him of being "senile"! As the saying goes,
"There is none so blind as he who will not see."
Writing in his book Sixty-five Plus, Charles B. Randall notes how Winston
Churchill at sixty-five was by all odds the number one man in the world
in terms of personal leadership and achievement. Yet he was largely un­
known in the United States. "His wisdom, and that vast resource of un­
daunted courage which he transmitted so radiantly to multitudes everywhere
came nowhere near their full expression until after normal retirement
[age]. His life reached its greatest usefulness at sixty-five plus, and
then went on growing through seventy-five plus •...Not until his very senior
years did he reach the unshakeable peak of leadership.;,
So it is with God's Apostle today!
God knew His Church would have to be put back on the track. Through long
years of dedicated and fruitful service, Mr. Armstrong was prepared and
then led to act decisively when God had seen it was time to act.
Mr. Armstrong has indeed been setting the Church back on the track,·as
He is led by Jesus Christ. And the fruits are everywhere. People's lives
are being changed by the television and radio broadcasts, The PLAIN TRUTH,
The GOOD NEWS and other publications. God is giving remarkable and steady
increase throughout His Work, and everywhere a renewed spirit of brother­
hood and cooperation is being manifested--especially here in Pasadena.
It has been very moving to me personally to see and experience the genuine,
positive changes that have taken place.
For the labor of love and sacrifice of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong who has
been setting such an outstanding example for all of us, thank you, Mr.
Update From Germany
The Church's worldwide revitalized growth was reflected in the Spring and
Pentecost feast statistics for the German-speaking area. Attendance was
up 21% over last year for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and up 16.6% for