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We just got your April 28th letter. Thank you for speaking plainly
and clarifying the important point about tithing on one's income
before taxes. For at least the last three or four years and probably
longer, I've been tithing after deducting federal and state income
taxes. Thank you for clearing up this point! I'd wondered about it
off and on for years. But had taken the ''easy" way out because I
thought we'd been told we could and the arguments to do so sounded
convincing. Now for the first time in years, we can rejoice that our
financial situation, too, has been set back on track!
--Member (North Carolina)
Readers Appreciate Worldwide News
It never fails to give me a thrill to open my mailbox and discover
The WORLDWIDE NEWS there. "Just One More Thing," by Dexter Faulkner,
is so helpful. And the things Gene H. Hogberg understands and
writes!!!! I only hope all of you who put our paper and magazines
together enjoy that job half as much as we do when reading them.
--Peggy H. (Mill Run, PA)
I'm so thankful for The WORLDWIDE NEWS as it covers things we other­
wise wouldn't know.
--Mildred R. (Urbana, OH)
Thank you for The WORLDWIDE NEWS which is like a "Family Circle" and
interesting to read. The little article, "Just One More Thing," is a
fine education in a very loving way. Thank you.
--Miss E.V. (Long Island, NY)
I also wanted to mention how much I appreciate Mr. Dexter Faulkner's
"Just One More Thing." These short articles have been very helpful.
--Janet F. (St. Petersburg, FL)
Members Share Details of Healings
Approximately three weeks ago I had a spot form in the very center of
my left eye and I couldn't see or read as everything was completely
blurred out. I went to an eye specialist and he told me a blood
vessel had leaked into the center of my eye and there wasn't anything
he could do. He also said he didn't think it would clear itself and
I would have to live with it.
On the 27th of February I went to Wednesday night Bible study and
had Mr. Bierer anoint my eye and pray for me.
Thank God it is almost
cleared up and I can see through it as clear as the right eye.
--Alfonse D. (Kenmore, NJ)
January 1, 1980, I became age 82 and on the same night I was struck
blind to the point that I could not drive or even walk without stumb­
ling. A member called for the prayer cloth (anointed cloth). I
followed the instructions and do you know I was completely healed on
the same Sabbath day in only a few hours!
--John D. (Oroville, CA)