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Even so it is believed that Imperial can charge less than private schools
in the ArPa Are nnw chAraing. PresPnt plans call for kindernarten through
the eighth grade. Particular care is going to be taken to avoid short­
comings of the past. Mr. Joe Locke, a 1970 Ambassador College graduate,
will be the principal.
The Pasadena public school system has been slipping into an ever-worsening
quagmire of administrative and political problems and a very poor national
rating in terms of educational results. For this reason members and
employees in the Pasadena area will be much encouraged by this development.
More news will be forthcoming in either the Pastor General's Report or
The Worldwide News.
IRS Investigation Now Complete
Most will recall that last year Mike Wallace, reporter on CBS TV's "60
Minutes," questioned Mr. Rader about his being investigated by the Crim­
inal Tax Division of the Internal Revenue Service. This 15-month audit
has been completed and Mr. Rader has received an official letter stating
he is not guilty of any infraction of the Internal Revenue Code.
"I've dealt with them off and on for 30 years myself [while] representing
other clients," stated Mr. Rader, "and they did not in any way change my
opinion [of them] as a result of this 15-month investigation. They did
deal with us in accordance with the law. They treated everybody in a
proper fashion. They aren't like the people from the Attorney General's
office who will lie, as I've told you, when they think it is necessary.
They will invent when necessary, in their opinion, and they will malign
and slander."
Dissidents and others leaked the information that the IRS was investigat­
ing Mr. Rader. It certainly was not the IRS because that is against their
rules. However, Mr. Rader believes that "60 Minutes" will probably make
no effort to give us a postscript on their show to undo the damage done
by their statement about his being investigated.
Nevertheless, Mr. Rader sees good coming out of his having been investi­
gated so thoroughly by the IRS. He discovered through the Freedom of
Information Act that thirty people, bound and determined to slander and
defame, had written to the IRS with false accusations against him. "Now
we have another agency of the government that knows the difference between
false witness and something that is not false," he observed. "We have the
U.S. Customs Service, they know [that all the information they had heard
was false]; the Internal Revenue Service, they know. Eventually, one by
one, everybody will know."
"But," Mr. Rader explained, "we had to go to a lot of time and effort to
get all of the information to them. They [the IRS] abided by the rules,
so we not only abided by the rules but we [also] waived all of our
Constitutional rights. I did not in any way impede their investigation.
As a matter of fact I gave them information they would never be otherwise
able to get. So they all know that and eventually maybe the word will
filter out to other agencies that these people [dissidents and false
accusors]...simply peddle false information."
Mr. Rader noted how false witnesses are part and parcel with persecution.
They are people who despise God's Work and attempt to impede or destroy