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ERIE, PA--THOMAS A. TULLIS: PM activity is really up this month with
six new contacts. PM's are of good quality and interest. Holyday
offering for first Day of Unleavened Bread was the highest per person
since Pentecost of 1976!
Several members expressed appreciation for
"members only" at the Passover service.
MIDLAND, MI--GERALD WESTON: Church attendance continues to be high. We
are running about 40 people more than last year at this time. We've had
17 baptisms since Passover 1979. This is about double what we were having
the previous five or six years.
GAYLORD, MI--GERALD WESTON: With unemployment rising, and low wages in
general in northern Michigan, along with gasoline prices hitting $1.40 and
up, getting to services could soon become a problem for some people. It
hasn't stopped anyone yet, however.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Returning after almost 10 weeks absence, Mr. Rader brought news of the
Work (having just conferred with Mr. Armstrong in Tucson) and news of his
travels. After several announcements the meeting was opened to questions.
Mr. Armstrong's Upcoming Trips
Asked about Mr. Armstrong's trip to Moscow, Mr. Rader replied, "We have
had to put Moscow on the back burner because of the international situa­
tion as it exists between the United States and the Soviet Union. When
I was there [in Moscow] I was very, very courteously received, but every­
one made it very, very plain to me that I was being received (because of
this strain in the relationship between the United States and the Soviet
Union) in a very strictly informal manner." Nevertheless, it is hoped
that by year's end tensions will ease up, enabling Mr. Armstrong to make
the trip. The trip to Poland has also been put off until such time as
Mr. Armstrong can combine a trip to Poland with a visit to Moscow.
Mr. Rader announced that he will be returning to the Middle East in a few
days to confirm Mr. Armstrong's schedule in Cairo and his meeting with
President Anwar Sadat. It has already been arranged for Mr. Armstrong to
meet with Prime Minister Begin in Israel, provided Mr. Begin is
health and in the country at the time.
Mr. Armstrong is also planning on going to the Philippines very soon after
the Feast of Tabernacles for a campaign there. He will also visit Thai­
land and Japan on that trip. "So," Mr. Rader summarized, "we envision at
least two overseas trips in the next six and a half months, with a
possibility of one to Russia [sometime after the Olympics] if conditions
Imperial Grade School to Reopen
In answer to a question on the subject, Mr. Rader read a memo announcing
that Imperial Schools was to reopen next fall! Mr. Armstrong has
approved the reopening on the basis that the school be self-s1pporting.