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Even though soaring inflation continues to erode the currencies of the
Latin American countries, the income continues to rise at a surprising
rate. There has been a 65% increase in income for March 1980 over March
last year!
Plans are now being finalized by Mr. Fernando Barriga, the associate
pastor of the Spanish-speaking church in Pasadena, for an extended tour
through Spain and Portugal. He will be visiting approximately 25 members
and 40 prospectives during the month of May.
News From the Caribbean
Mr. Stan Bass reports that during the first quarter of 1980 an increase
of 13% in church attendance was obtained when compared with the same
period last year. Outlying Bible study attendance increased by 52% for
the same period.
February's income was up 60%, and March saw a 21% increase over the same
months last year--very encouraging indeed.
Many people are writinq in for the very first time, and The PLAIN TRUTH
subscription list is growing from the current 20,300 which reflects a
recent renewal program.
There are now 873 members in the Caribbean region spread over the islands
from Bermuda to the country of Guyana on the South American mainland.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
EVANSVILLE, IN--C. FRED BAILEY: I haven't heard any negative comments
about the Work for weeks. Most are very complimentary about the PT, GN,
and Mr. Armstrong's example of drive and dedication. We really have a
winning combination and the fruits are being evidenced in member's
TOLEDO, OH--GEORGE KACKOS: We are experiencing a good growth rate with 21
members added in the first quarter of 1980. Additional growth should
result from our public lectures. At the lectures we are using a slide
tape program to introduce our local Church.
FORT WAYNE, IN--STEPHEN SMITH: The Church demonstrated a very generous
attitude during the Days of Unleavened Bread. Many had saved for the Holy
Day offering since the Feast and were anxious to give to God. We develĀ­
oped a program to increase Holy Day offerings by setting aside ten cents
a day. This was to be our way to 1) Fight inflation, 2) Develop a
habit of giving, 3) Develop a habit of planning--as a man purposeth in
his heart, 4) Help us to be cheerful givers. Result: 50% increase over
last year's Holy Day offering!
AKRON, OH--MIKE SWAGERTY: At this time the Church is in very stable
condition. More unity and brotherly love being expressed than at any time
since I have been in the area.
PEORIA, IL--JESS ERNEST: Average attendance has jumped almost 50 people
this past month.
Some due to improved weather, but most due to being
turned on with the Church.