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or otherwise cause us difficulty. "But in the final analysis, as I have
said many times to the Press, we do have God on our side and He will pro­
tect us. So, at any rate, I thought I would tell you personally that we
know that [the IRS investigation] has now gone by the wayside."
Another Advertisement to Appear In Major Newspapers
A new full-page ad will soon be appearing in leading newspapers around the
country and hopefully in at least one well-known magazine worldwide!
reduced version of the ad appears in this Pastor General's Report. Also,
just two days after Mr. Rader's Employee Forum, this ad appeared in the
Los Angeles Times).
Mr. Rader explained that this current ad is different from the others the
Church has run in that before we were speaking for ourselves. This time,
excerpts have been taken from the transcripted proceedings of a press
conference held last March 7th at the United Methodist Building in Wash­
ington D.C. It was at this conference that major religious organizations
and cr:'..lrcr:es renreser:ti:u.c c-v-2� 8::-) cr1:lli.u11 A1ue.ri.ca11s dnnounc:Pc1 thri
were filing amicus briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of our
writ of certiorari. Leading experts in the field of constitutional law
were present and quotes from some of these people were used in this ad.
Mr. Rader said that this advertisement makes the point that 83 million
people are up in arms over the way the Attorney General has dealt with
the Worldwide Church and, hopefully as a result, the High Court will grant
us a. hearing and rule in our favor.
Needed: A Courageous Judge
Mr. Rader commented on the extent of political and governmental corruption
in our case and how this is beginning to reveal a pattern that extends
"from state to state, from municipality to municipality...I think even­
tually this case will be more revealing to more people about the state of
conditions in this country than the Watergate Affair," said Mr. Rader.
"And I can show you case after case where the people in power, the
establishment, have stated directly and indirectly it is better to let
injustice go uncorrected than to expose the evil," he added.
Occasionally a courageous judge will distinguish himself by his adherence
to right. But courts are loathe to correct injustices, Mr. Rader said,
"because the minute that they do that it reflects upon the entire system
...But hopefully we will have a courageous judge somewhere... one who is
willing to come out and speak the truth. He may well exist."
Mr. Helge's Previous Comments Underscored
In the Forum Mr. Rader underscored Mr. Helge's comments given several
weeks ago before the Pasadena P.M. congregation (excerpts of which
appeared in the April 18 Pastor General's Report). He remarked how well
Mr. Helge's comments covered the state of the lawsuit and other factors
we need to be mindful of. Mr. Helge's comments will be appearing in
The Worldwide News, so Mr. Rader urged the employees and students to "read
them, very, very carefully. There is no sense in my reiterating them
because they were very powerfully delivered and very, very accurate."
[Urge the brethren to read these in The Worldwide News when they appear.}