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I was very pleased to hear in services Saturday that you are going
to start a new [expanded) Bible Correspondence Course to come out on
a monthly basis. I really feel that it has done a lot in the past to
build this Work and that this new one with its many lessons is going
to enhance it greatly. I'm very encouraged.
--Joseph F. (Moses Lake, WA)
April PLAIN TRUTH Well Received
My compliments to you for your extra-interesting issue which I last
received, particularly the article by Donald D. Schroeder on geology
of volcanoes and earthquakes. Will you please thank him for me?
We are experiencing somewhat of this natural disturbance just now
with our northwestern mountain, St. Helens.
--Danae L. (Manzanita, OR)
I was deeply disturbed by articles which appeared in the April
issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. But you are presenting facts which the
American people desperately need to know.
I feel very certain that the masses of people in every country
want nothing more than to live their short lives in peace. But
the war-mad, the profit-mad and the power-mad groups are firmly
in control and as you say
The world right now stands on the brink
of the final nuclear war.
I only wish every American had access
--Charles L. {Bradenton, FL)
Your April issue of PLAIN TRUTH just arrived with excellent articles
on nuclear war, Yugoslavia, earthquakes and religion. Though I don't
agree with you on all points--as a geologist I find minor differences
of opinion on earthquakes--nevertheless, I am open to persuasion.
Your thesis on Yugoslavia was very good.
--S.D.F. (Falls Church, VA)
Members Welcome Arrival of Spring Holy Days
Love our spring Holy Days. This Passover has more meaning to me
than any other Passover. I am grateful to God for His Son, Jesus
Christ, who died for all of us. Imagine, God thinking of us, to
give His only Son, to sacrifice His dear Son for all of us to be
able to become His sons.
--Ethel M. {Cincinnati, OH)
Praise God, the Holy Days are here again! It seemed like a long
time from the Feast of Tabernacles to now. Once again we will re­
dedicate every fiber of our being to get this job done along with
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. This is to say we are back of him 100%.
--E.R. {Baltimore, MD)
So far this Passover season has provided beautiful spiritual food.
God is so loving and kind and good to us! I certainly hope this
wretched period of man's rule will soon be over and the Kingdom of
God ushered in! Thank you for being God's loyal and faithful servant.
--Janet F. (Gardena, CA)