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Recently we mentioned in the Pastor General's Report how Mr. Herbert
Armstrong's Everest House books are receiving positive media coverage
across the country.
In an effort to increase the availability of Mr. Armstrong's book to the
reading public even more, local church pastors are being asked to help
supervise the placement of books in public libraries.
This program, if only moderately successful, could mean that 30,000
copies of The Incredible Human Potential and The Wonderful World Tomorrow
will be available to the public at large. And this is an area where your
local members can be directly involved in the spreading of the message of
God's Church.
We will be sending you all a complete package of explanatory material very
--Publishing Services
Enthusiastic letters have been pouring in concerning the expanded Corre­
spondence Course (beginning with Lesson 13) which was announced by Mr.
Armstrong. Members consider this expansion of the course as another mile­
stone in building the Work and in producing spiritual growth. Comments
about the April PLAIN TRUTH show that subscribers were especially stirred
by articles in this issue. We've also received a number of heartwarming
comments from members about the uplift they received from the recent spring
festival season.
--Mail Processing Center
Students Eager for New CC Lessons
I'm so excited about the new [expanded] Bible Correspondence Course.
I have studied the older [58-lesson] Correspondence Course which did
not belong to me, but I wrote down as many notes as I could. So when
I heard about the new edition I really got excited. So please put my
name down on the mailing list for the new Bible Correspondence Course.
Once again
for giving
--Norman M. (Roderfield, WV)
we have more to be rejoicing about. We thank our Father
us the new [expanded] Bible Correspondence Course. Another
Now we will be able to study with guided help.
--Benjamin H. (Brooklyn, NY)
Wonderful, wonderful! So very happy to hear that the Bible Corre­
spondence Course will go on indefinitely. God bless you and everyone
in the Worldwide Church of God.
--J.P. (Mansfield, OH)
We wanted to shout for joy at Bible study when we heard we will
again have the monthly Bible study course. We really feel that the
long Correspondence Course of years ago really built a firm founda­
tion for many. I know it did for us.
--Vernon T. (Woodinville, WA)