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and tramples the rules that state a judge cannot give advice ahead of time.
(Try talking to a judge sometime before you file a case and see how far
you will get!)
They say: The California Commission on Judicial Performance has deter­
mined unequivocally that Judge Pacht conducted the hearing properly.
FACTS: This commission which judges judges is comprised of certain men,
two of whom are Chodos and Pacht, the very men being accused! That group
sat and judged the conduct of two of its own (and this was done behind
closed doors--in secrecy). The commission claimed to have done a thorough
investigation, but in actual fact did not even contact the people bringing
the charges against the men to see what proof of those charges we might
They say: Nothing has been suppressed.
FACTS: The Church's attorneys, in and out of court, continued to ask if
there was a transcript of the meeting in Judge Pacht's chambers. The
answer was sometimes "no" and sometimes silence. That transcript was not
available until we found the court reporter who was present and she pre­
pared one for us from her notes!
Another example of the suppressing of evidence of misconduct on their
part: The Church called upon Judge Pacht to give a deposition. He re­
fused and the court would not make him do so. And when we took the de­
position of the Court Reporter, she refused to answer certain questions
about what transpired between her and the judge. Evidence is being hidden
and suppressed.
They say: The appointment of a receiver has been the subject of several
FACTS: That is an absolute, bald-faced lie! We have never had an appeal
in which that factor was considered. We have sent writs to higher courts
which have been denied, but no appeal has been considered yet.
A writ is when you go to a higher court and simply say, "Will you consider
this?" What the higher courts have done in this case so far is say "No,
we won't consider this evidence." The merits of the receivership have
not been considered yet.