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They say: We have no reason to believe that the Attorney General...
improperly came into possession of church documents.
FACTS: Documents were taken from here by dissidents. People who had
authority over internal confidential documents and records didn't give
them to the Attorney General. So how did the Attorney General get them?
Not lawfully.
If you receive stolen property, it
They will arrest you and prosecute
by with receiving stolen documents
man who is supposed to prosecute?
dangerous situation--because they
Bringing a "Public" Media to Heel
is a crime if you do it knowingly.
you. But the Attorney General can get
and who is supposed to prosecute the
No one! And that is why this is a
have placed themselves above the law.
"It's awesome, and it's frightening," said Mr. Helge, "to witness any
great get close to that mountain in the Northwest that is
ready to erupt; I tell you it is frightening when the earth shakes....And
we are fighting a power that [it is becoming more and more apparent] is a
great power--not great in righteousness, but in power." And so Mr. Helge
expressed how it feels to see that power compel a TV station, a strong
medium for molding public opinion in this state, come to heel like a puppy
Mr. Helge then explained how the Government is always trying to gain more
power and how the Constitution was designed to stand between us and the
Government. But people who get into government with its trappings of
power are always trying to circumvent the Constitution that restricts
their authority. When they succeed they have more power.
So who is to prbtect the people? The judges were intended to sit as un­
biased arbiters. Mr. Helge noted that there are some good judges, but
most are not going to do anything revolutionary. After all, these men
have coffee together, they come in and go out together--they rub shoulders.
So when a judge is misled by the misrepresentations of an unscrupulous
attorney, it is very difficult for another judge to overturn his peer who
made a bad decision.
This Experience Confirms the Church's Teachings
While it is frightening and awesome to see the State's power, it is also
confirming some very important and basic truths to Mr. Helge. He said,
"To me, it confirms the Bible, that it is Satan's world, that it's Satan's
government, it's his system, and that in the long run and over the long
haul, not counting a few exceptions, there is no [true] justice."
He then pointed out how men will try one form of government and when it
fails they will try another. Men keep trying to change and modify their
governments, trying to find that one which will solve their problems.
"And man keeps thinking that if we can just change the structure of our
government some way, if we can just do that we're going to have happiness,
we're going to have peace. Mr. Armstrong was right! government of
man has, or is, ever going to work successfully for the benefit of the
people it governs."
{Continued on page 11)