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But then who oversees the judges? The State Judicial Commission [staffed
by lawyers and judges who serve two-year terms] oversees the judges.
Well, then, why don't they step in? They were called upon to do so, but
the fact is that they are dominated by the figures involved in the case.
Two of the most influential figures on the commission were involved in
this case. Hence, they are not going to condemn themselves. So the
commission is of no value or benefit to us.
Now our attorneys, without question, are better qualified [than those of
the opposition] beyond a doubt. But I'll tell you, we are fighting
absolute political and judicial corruption--a system that is steeped in
it! It's one in fact, as Mr. Armstrong has said, inspired by Satan.
It's a system that Mr. Armstrong has said from the outset and taught
for years, is an unjust system dominated by men who on the exterior are
righteous, but on the inside are rotten and deceitful. "Like white­
washed sepulchres," and that applies not only to those who would falsely
advocate a false god, but also to those involved in politics. Mr.
Armstrong, in his analysis of this political system is, without question,
absolutely right!
Finally, the real and ultimate question in this matter is, "What is God's
will?" If the question is one of our asseting our will, then we're going
to prevail. If the question is one of determination, then we are going
to prevail. If the question is one of faith, we are going to prevail.
On the other hand, is the question,"Is this now the time of persecution?"
or, "Is this now the time to be brought before kings and rulers --not
invited, not going by invitation, but brought before them?" If that is
the question, then the question for ourselves is, are we individually,
spiritually strong enough to withstand the persecution that's coming?
Comments re Channel 13's Retraction
With a transcript of Channel 13's five-minute retraction in hand, Mr.
Helge began to address the statements it contained which, in reality, are
what the State would like the public to believe about our case. Following
are excerpts and summaries of Mr. Helge's comments made last Sabbath.
They say: The receiver was just temporarily imposed for the protection
of Church assets.
FACTS: The lawsuit was intended to change the structure of the Church
from a hierarchical to a congregational one. The State never says what
is plainly in the complaint--that it sued to replace the Board of Direc­
tors that was comprised of all the Church leaders. The lawsuit was an
attempt to confirm that the state owns--and therefore can rightfully di­
rect--all the Church assets in California.
They say: The hearing in Judge Pacht's chambers was "proper."
FACTS: The hearing was not proper because the Attorney General sought
assurances from the judge before the case was filed. After they got
assurances that the judge would act according to their wishes, then and
only then did they file the lawsuit. This constitutes "judge-shopping''