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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 28, 1980
Page 7
ings and a hoped for cost per response of $10.00 has been smashed com­
pletely! Cost per response is presently just over $2.00 and responses are
still coming in. We could very well hit a 2% response based on Homemakers'
1.2 million circulation.
The PLAIN TRUTH newspaper flyer campaign is beginning to take hold now,
with around 10,000 responses already received. These responses will be
entered for a 12-rnonth subscription. A total of just over 6 million
inserts in English, French, and German will be placed before the end of
February. The German language insert has currently realized a 5% return
(over 2,000 Klar und Wahr subscriptions) and responses are still corning in.
This is a very high return compared with the English insert which has
brought a very acceptable 1 to 1 1/2% in various test campaigns. It re­
mains to be seen how well the French insert will produce.
The following are current Church and media statistics:
PLAIN TRUTH Circulation
Pure Verite Circulation
Good News Circulation
Caribbean Update
69,228 (English)
27,472 (French)
1979 closed with a record-smashing December. More letters were received
than in any previous month in the history of the Work in the Caribbean-­
about 19% higher than the previous record set in May of '78. The signifi­
cant high mail count was due to the many responses from our PLAIN TRUTH
readers requesting Mr. Armstrong's book, TOMORROW...WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE.
So far we have received requests for 500 copies.
Our income for December showed once again an increase over the previous
month by more than 30%. Total income for the year was 31% higher than
1978. The income, however, is not always available in the area where it
is needed and there is very little interchange of funds due to currency
Church growth for 1979 in the Caribbean was very encouraging. Overall
attendance picked up by 10% during the year. Local Bible studies have
also increased in attendance as much as 26%. During 1979 a total of 66
persons were baptized.
Report From Jamaica
On Sunday, December 16, the first Plain Truth Lecture ever held on the
north coast of Jamaica took place at the Bay Roe Hotel, just east of
Montego Bay. It was the first in a series of lectures planned for the
island. Emcee was Charles Fleming, associate pastor of the Kingston
congregation,who introduced the main speaker, Kingsley Mather, pastor of
the Nassau, Bahamas and Kingston, Jamaica congregations. Mr. Mather
discussed Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's recent activities, stressing the
China trip and also dealing extensively with world events in the light
of Bible prophecy.
Invitations were sent to all in the area who have been receiving The PLAIN
TRUTH magazine for the last year. Of the 665 persons invited, six showed
up and four members of the hotel staff also requested literature.