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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, Feburary 28, 1980
Page 6
Mr. Rader Speaks to Brethren in Pittsburgh
On the Sabbath of February 23, 1980, special services were held in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for brethren to hear Mr. Stanley Rader speak
and to view the documentary, "Church Versus State." In spite of a flu
epidemic, 1,700 brethren from eight different Church areas were in
attendance at the Soldier's and Sailor's Memorial Hall.
After services were opened with prayer the documentary was viewed by the
brethren, at the conclusion of which their appreciation was shown by
enthusiastic applause. Mr. Don Lawson, pastor of the Pittsburgh churches,
then introduced Mr. Rader who was greeted with a long round of applause.
Mr. Rader began by acknowledging and thanking the brethren from Pitts­
burgh, as well as the brethren from all the other areas, for standing
behind the Work of God during this trying period. Then he went on to
further describe his relationship with Mr. Armstrong and detailed the
rigorous schedule Mr. Armstrong maintains, working relentlessly hour
after hour writing and meeting with department heads, guiding this multi­
faceted Work of God. Mr. Rader also spoke of Mr. Armstrong's upcoming
trip to Moscow in May of 1980.
Mr. Rader then covered additional information about occurrences prior to
January 3, 1979 which were not included in the one-hour film. This
helped the brethren to better understand the documentary, undoubtedly
answering many questions they may have had.
The brethren were encouraged to remain faithful no matter what persecution
the future may hold. Quoting from Psalm 2, Mr. Rader linked the happen­
ings at this time to those described in the Psalm: "Why do the heathen
rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set
themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, and
against his anointed; saying, let us break their bands asunder, and cast
away their cords from us."
This, he said, is speaking of persecution against God's Church. But,
continuing in verses 4 and 5, he said if we remain faithful and trust
God, "God will laugh at them and have them in derision. Then shall He
speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure." In
the end God will give His Church the victory.
After services that evening, Mr. Rader hosted a dinner for the ministers
and their wives from the church areas represented at services. He spoke
and then answered all questions for two hours. The evening was enjoyed
very much by all. Mr. Lawson stated this was a shot in the arm for the
area and hoped other areas would have the same opportunities.
News From the Work in Canada
The new year has started on a very positive note. The income for January
was 19% ahead of January 1979 and the total monthly mail received shows
a 181.5% increase over January of last year. This is due largely to the
massive response to the Homemakers ad campaign.
The one double-page ad
with pop-up coupon offering "Dilemma of Drugs," "Managing Your Personal
Finances" and "Principles of Healthful Living" has brought in over 20,
responses to date. Our estimate of 4500 responses based on previous show-