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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 28, 1980
Page 5
But the already-elected King of the whole world, Jesus Christ, does
not have to campaign in that fashion.
The winning of five gold medals might teach some of us a lesson in
perseverance and determination. Eric Heiden did not really win those five
skating records at the Olympic Games. He won them by long, continuous
weeks and months of grueling traininq, even with special machines to de­
velop leg muscles. That arduous training put him in better condition and
with stronger muscles where skating requires them than his Russian or East
German or Swedish competitors. He simply had what it takes. It might be
a lesson in some of the laws of success. It required patience, steadfast­
ness, determined endurance--the same as our battle against ourselves and
the devil in overcoming.
But be sure important NEWS has happened during this past week, even
if not exposed to the public as yet.
President Tito
supposedly imminent
dead or dying, just
epidemic I've had a
and is about gone.
seems to be living on--no news the past days about his
death. Maybe he's outliving those who proclaimed him
as I am. Incidentally, although during this flu
sore throat and head cold, it has never been serious
Regardless, don't stop praying for me, please.
Monday, February 25th, Church attorneys appeared in L.A. Superior Court
to hold off the strivings of the California Attorney General. Deputy
A. G. Lauren Brainard urged Superior Court Judge Weil to hold the Church
and its officers in contempt of court. Brainard was not happy with the
results of Mr. Rader's court-ordered deposition, nor with the other legal
measures the Church had undertaken to protect its rights.
Judge Weil refused to hold the Church or its officers in contempt. The
Judge said that he could see no willful refusal to obey any court order.
He felt that the Church was acting properly to protect itself in light
of the fact that it was awaiting higher court rulings on several of these
issues. He perceived accurately that much was at stake if the Church were
to neglect its rights.
Judge Weil also granted a stay for thirty days of all discovery by the
State, pending decisions by the California Supreme Court and the U.S.
Supreme Court on different matters before them. Although this ruling
does help the Church and we can be glad that Judge Weil showed some
sensitivity to the enormously important issues in the cnse, nevertheless
the legal matters continue to be a day-by-day struggle. The unrelenting
prayers of all the ministry and the local brethren are still vital in
staying the hands of those who would attempt to disrupt and destroy the
Church and Work of God Almighty!