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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 28, 1980
Page 8
While numerically small, the six who attended demonstrated a degree of
interest in the lecture that was most encouraging. One lady, after get­
ting a ride for the first 12 miles of her journey to thP hotel, found she
had to walk the last three miles. She got lost and just as she was about
to give up, learned that she was less than 200 yards from her destination.
Another person got lost traveling away from the hotel, but realizing he
was late, ran for over a mile. In addition, all those who attended ex­
pressed a desire to attend any further meeting the Church may have in the.
Since the lecture, several persons expressed regret that their invitations
did not arrive on time. It seems that a combination of the Christmas
pressure on the postal service along with the fact that many of our
readers collect their mail from postal agencies and offices only once or
twice a week, meant that a number of persons did not hear about the lec­
ture until it was too late to attend. Another contributing factor was
a bus strike in the Montego Bay area.
Over 300 members of the Kingston congregation had driven up to �ontego
Bay to give their enthusiastic support and to extend a typically warm
Worldwide Church of God welcome to our guests.
A follow-up lecture will be planned in approximately two months time
hoping to reach many more of those God is dealing with in the Montego
Bay area.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Please announce in your church areas the URGENT
NEED for a nice lady to live in the home with a
fellow minister and his wife to help care for his
wife who is partially bedridden due to an auto
accident and is a hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
sufferer. FREE ROOM AND BOARD (no rent, utilities
or grocery expenses) and in addition a small
salary will be provided for services rendered.
Please reply to P.O. Box 2550, Montgomery, Ala.
36105 or call (205) 264-4604.
--Jack C. Sheppard, Minister
Montgomery, Alabama
Many of you will remember that we sold our big web printing presses in
1975. Since then the vast majority of our printing has been done by
commercial printers. In fact, we deal with about 25 different printers
worldwide (not including our own Ambassador Press in England which is
still going strong).