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Steve Martin, San Francisco: "Attitudes of congregation exemplary. They
really are concerned about world situation and the Work of God. Progress iE
Bruce Gore, Kansas City South: "The Church is stable, attendance is
increasing. The people were enthusiastically behind Mr. Armstrong's China
trip. The world scene is causing people to wake up mere, too."
Briscoe Ellett, Alexandria, LA: "The brethren are encouraged by the
obvious growth in the Work as I have been reading the news to them. Mr.
Waterhouse's Bible study was a tremendous lift to everyone. It was great
to have him come through. Many new people are starting to just 'show up'
at Church. I don't know where they are all coming from. God does seem to
be drawing people. The spirit is high."
Briscoe Ellett, Monroe, LA: "Many people are becoming stirred up to act
on God's way of life. We had here in Monroe 12 new people baptized within
the last two months. The spirits remain high, especially after Mr. Water­
house's visit. It is such a joy to have him here. I am only sorry it's
so infrequent."
J. Richard Parker, Albany-Salem, OR: "The Church in both Albany and Salem
seems very loyal to God and His Church."
Robert Cloninger, Reseda, CA:
"The tapes from China were a terrific
Kelly Barfield, Liberal, KS: "Everyone in Liberal excited about Bible
lectures being held throughout area. Scott City area excited about new
William Swanson, Salt Lake City: "Many people beginning to come out of
the 'woodwork'--Church attendance is up."
Bill Gordon, Duluth, MN: "I want to thank Mr. H.W.A. for tapes and the _
new doctrine on min. sab. The congregation truly appreciates the tapes.
Keep them coming, we need the contact and encouragement.
Carn Catherwood, Glendora, CA: "The growth phenomenon is still moving
along--it is amazing to see the number of people who are turning up at
services. The Church still is moving along well, though there has been a
great deal of sickness. There have also been several outstanding healings
in the last few weeks."
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Bill Bradford, Shreveport, LA: "People's questions and thinking are much
more on prophecy and they are excited about the future. This is not only
because of recent Middle East events, but the comments by Mr. Armstrong are
giving a great deal of confidence in prophetical understanding rather than
Update From Australia
Mail for December smashed all records! More mail was processed than in
any previous month in the history of the Work in Australia. 23,788 letters
were received--almcst
higher than the previous record.