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An important factor contributing to the high mail count was the number of
responses coming in from Plain Truth readers requesting Mr. Armstrong's
book, TOMORROW... WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE. So far over 8500 requests have
been received.
Income for December was up 20.5%. Our sincere gratitude must go once
again to our loyal members and co-workers for their continual financial
support--support which they have faithfully given to God's Work throughout
the whole of 1979.
Plans For Future Growth: Throughout 1980 it is planned to distribute one
and a half million householder cards throughout Australia. In the main
this will be accomplished through the voluntary workforce of the Australian
In addition to the householder card distribution, one half million four­
color insert sheets offering a free subscription to the Plain Truth
magazine will be inserted in specially selected newspapers. The insert
sheet is attractively designed and is captioned, "Most People Are Skepti­
cal About 'Free Offers.' Our 6 Million Readers Were, Too."
anticipated that the householder cards, the newspaper insert sheets,
along with a regular renewal program, will bring our Plain Truth mailing
list to around 120,000 interested subscribers by the end of 1980.
Church growth for Australia in 1979 was very encouraging. Church attend­
ance increased by almost exactly 10%--from approximately 4500 to over 4950.
Baptisms as reported on the computer report of December 6 showed 238, which
· should put the total well over 250 by the end of December. This would be
the highest number of baptisms in any one year since 1970, and less than
100 under the record set in 1969.
The Australian branch of God's Work is looking forward to another qood
year of growth in 1980. Many campaigns, Bible lectures, special Bible
studies, and special church services are being planned for all church
areas. With a mailing list that more than doubled in 1979, it should be
another exciting year of growth for this part of God's Worldwide Work.
New Zealand/South Pacific News
1979 began with the biggest January income figure ever. Christ had moved
members to dramatically respond in loyal support of God's Work and Mr.
Armstrong's leadership as news came through about the receivership crisis
at Pasadena.
As the year moved on, month after month brought income increases topping
the 30% mark, and church services and Bible studies throughout the nation
reported all-time record attendances. In March both mail and income
shattered all previous records, achieving the highest monthly totals ever.
Early that month the office launched a brand new style of promotion--a
series of 288 sixty-second spot ads on one of New Zealand's top-rated
radio stations. Simultaneously, advertisements were placed in the national
press and members helped by dropping a householder card offering "The
·Dilemma of Drugs" and The Plain Truth into letterboxes throughout the
country. These cards were delivered in three stages--in March, May and