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teachings of the Church on this subject and the legal procedures for
expressing one's religious convictions in this regard are available. Such
interested persons need only write to Special Services, Worldwide Church
of God, Box 111, Pasadena, CA 91123.
Comments From Pastor's Reports
Many very encouraging comments are being received from the Pastors each
month which we'd like to share with everyone. By printing several of these
each issue, as space provides, we hope to eventually include every Pastor
and Church area. We can all really be inspired by reading the uplifting
and positive comments that our fellowlaborers in Christ are making! Here
are a number for this month:
Bernie Schnippert, Las Vegas, NV: "Attendance is increasing, Church is
warming up and becoming more cohesive."
Noel Hornor, Modesto, CA: "Church was enthused about success of HWA's
China trip."
Bill Bradford, Shreveport, LA: "Things continue to go very well in
Shreveport, morale and enthusiasm very high."
Les McColm, Santa Barbara, CA: "The stability and loyalty of the brethren
in this area is excellent. Since the chaff has been sifted out everyone
is more at ease and back to their normal, relaxed, friendly atmosphere."
Dan Creed, Minot, ND: "Our PT newsstands are doing well in the area and
we hope to increase them."
Dan Creed, Bismarck, ND: "It seems more and more brethren are watching
world events closer than ever. There is a great interest with the Russian
situation now with respect to Mr. Armstrong's upcoming visit there this
summer. There seems to be no doubt among the brethren that the end of this
age and this Work is near."
Don Hooser, North Platte, NB: "We in these two church areas are very
pleased and thankful about the success of Mr. Armstrong's trip to China,
and the mushrooming increase in doors being opened to so many countries!"
Don Ward, Big Sandy, TX: "We have had five baptisms since the Feast and
there are that many more counseling for baptism at present."
Allan Barr, Chicago Southside: "Six people were baptized this month."
Bill Jahns, Eau Claire, WI: "Things are going fine in the Eau Claire area.
The brethren are loyal and enthusiastic."
Bill Quillen, Missoula, MT:
"Always a good reaction to the tapes from
Mr. Armstrong. His voice is clear and powerful." Also, "members seem to
be working in spite of the recession."
Lynn Torrance, Ass't Pastor, Texarkana: "Church seems to be quiet, loyal.
Members are showing an increased interest in prophecy. Members like to
hear from Pastor General's Report the plans for the future. They deeply
desire to know what is being planned. The trip to China certainly fasciĀ­
nated the church members."