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of any of the Jewish congregations in the United States--reformed,
conservative or orthodox--but while in New York this week, I shall make
overtures to the counsel at the Jewish synagogues, and hopefully they will
be aboard before too long.
I am also continuing to pursue our efforts of almost 13 months duration to
bring the United States Department of Justice into the legal picture. As
you know, the United States Department of Justice is supposed to be the
watchdog over the civil rights of all groups. We have been urging directly
and through counsel for more than a year, that the Department of Justice
climb aboard and investigate the misconduct of the California Attorney
General's office and the California Judiciary. Tomorrow there will be a
private screening of our documentary for the Department of Justice offic­
Elsewhere in this Pastor General's Report and in last week's report, you
learned that the State of California's action or complaint against the
accounting firm, Rader, Cornwall, Kessler & Palazzo has been "dismissed
with prejudice" [meaning the Attorney General can't file the same case
again]. I am certain that Mr. Kessler's explanation is very informative.
It is particularly gratifying to Mr. Armstrong and me to see that the State
has lost the first battle to be lost by either party in a conclusive or
final manner. All other matters are either pending or have been simply
procedural controversies.
Regarding the dismissal of the accounting firm, the State was unable to
lodge a complaint that would satisfy even the Los Angeles Superior Court,
and yet we as an institution and some of the officers are accused of fiscal
or financial fraud. In this day and age, it should be obvious to all
reasonably informed people that you cannot commit an act of fiscal or
financial fraud without the active participation of the accountants, or in
the absense of their gross, if not criminal, negligence.
It is very
gratifying, as I said earlier, to see the work of Rader, Cornwall, Kessler
& Palazzo vindicated in this way and, of course, by inference it should be
apparent to all that Mr. Armstrong and others, including myself, have been
totally innocent of any of the wild allegations that have been leveled by
the State of California since January 1979.
--Stanley R. Rader
Registration for the Draft
As many of you are probably aware, President Carter in his state of the
union message called for the registration of men between the ages of 18
and 26 for the draft. We do not as yet know exactly what procedures will
be instituted. However, it appears that the President could call for
registration as early as the first part of February, although that may be
delayed to allow Congress to amend portions of the law.
It is recommended that the ministry preach some sermons regarding the
Biblical teachings on the subject of participating in war and service in
the Armed Forces. Members who are of draft age or who have draft-age
children should be advised that written information regarding the doctrinal