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During my recent visit to England, I was invited by Frank Brown to speak
to a combined London area Church service. The Church was very deliqhted
to hear that Mr. Armstrong would more than likely be visiting England
shortly before his scheduled trip to the Middle East in March. It has
been some time since he has been able to speak to the English brethren,
but they are solidly behind him.
While there I took the opportunity to meet with the English ministry at
two separate luncheons that I was able to arrange for at the Dorchester
Hotel. On one of the occasions it was possible for us to share with them
the recent documentary on the Church/State confrontation, as a copy had
just arrived that day from Pasadena. Everyone was extremely impressed by
the documentary and said that as soon as film prints are available for the
various Churches, it will make it possible for the Enqlish brethren to
feel even closer to the brethren here in the United States.
The English Work, as Mr. Armstrong stated last week in his comments in
the Co-worker letter, is really booming. Church attendance, baptisms, and
Church income are up. The whole English ministry is doing a tremendous job!
Mr. Brown told me that a new press will be installed, hopefully sometime
before the end of 1980. It will permit the Ambassador Press to not only
continue to handle the printing of the Plain Truth and other publications
for the International Work, but will enable them to continue to produce
additional benefits for the Work by way of the very high-class printing
contracts that have come to the Press over a period of time. Overtures
have been received from such institutions as Reader's Digest, Newsweek,
and others to print their magazines.
Upon my return to the United States, I was invited by the New York Church
brethren to speak at a combined service there. There were some 800 people
in attendance, and more would have been present if they could have found
a larger hall with such short notice. The Church there, as everywhere, was
extremely enthusiastic. It was truly inspiring for me to spend the Sabbath
with them and their Pastor, Mr. Frank Mccrady. I was able to also share
a luncheon with some 14 ministers and their wives at the Regency Hotel,
just prior to speaking in the afternoon services.
I am presently proceeding on schedule and hopeful that it will be possible
to arrange a high level protocol trip for Mr. Armstrong and his party in
Moscow. As previously reported, we were hoping that such a visit would be
possible before the scheduled 1980 Olympics. However, it is problematical
at this time whether it will be possible for us to make the arrangements
previously contemplated, in light of the present international crisis
brought about by the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan and the definite
end of detente. However, until the door has been temporarily slammed in
our face, I am continuing on the assumption that the door is still at least
slightly open.
While in the New York area I will be giving time to Quest/80, a matter
which I have not been able to attend to for almost a year.
I will also be
meeting with representatives of the various religious groups that have been
giving us financial, moral, and legal support in our battle against the
State of California. As you may have noticed, we have not had the support