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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1979
Page 7
The Quest Staff and we here in Pasadena are very sorry about this and
would like to apologize for any offense caused to any of you or to any
church member who may be upset by it. We certainly did not want this to
happen. It had been caught, but slipped through the system.
--Roger Lippross
South Africa
Greetings from Southern Africa! Once again "the best Feast ever" seems
to be the only way to describe the reaction God's people have had towards
the fall festival, 1979. Over 2250 people attended the Feast of Taber­
nacles at the five festival sites throughout Southern Africa and Rhodesia,
15% up on 1978--which means 300 new people attended this year.
Calendar year-to-date figures for mail income to the end of October are
an encouraging 16.1% up on the same period of 1978. In the third quarter
of 1979 alone, mail income was over 20% above the equivalent months last
Advertising: We have been particularly encouraged by the response to a
"message" ad placed in the largest South African Sunday paper, The Sunday
Times (Circulation 480,000). The ad, entitled "World War III will not
destroy humanity," has drawn 970 requests to receive a subscription to
The Plain Truth. This response equals the highest figure for a booklet
ad in the same newspaper a couple of years ago. After quoting a few
prominent historians an�politicians concerning the spectre of future
world war, the text focused in on Mr. Herbert Armstrong's recent address
to top government officials and Ambassadors in Tokyo.
We feel some of the advantages in this kind of "message" ad are:
a) The "article" is in the main news section of the paper, and being
typeset in exactly the same style it may be read as part of the paper.
b) Mr. Herbert Armstrong is introduced to a wider readership in the con­
text of prestigious meetings or addresses. This gives wider credence
to both the magazine and the rest of the ad text.
c) We can say a lot in the space available which, in a booklet adver­
tisement, is used only in promoting one publication.
d) The advertisement promotes only The Plain Truth, which establishes
monthly contact with those who respond.
e) If 1000 times as many people read the ad than those who actually
respond, each and every one of the readers will know who Mr. Herbert
Armstrong is, what he does, who he represents and what the message
of the Work is all about.
We hope to be able to cover Mr. Armstrong's meetings through similar ads.
His messages to the leaders constitute a tremendous opportunity for us to
reach a larger South African audience with great impact through "message"