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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1979
Page 8
Swazi Radio: Though we do not have major commercial radio time available
to us in Southern Africa, we have been using a small station (broadcasting
from the Kingdom of Swaziland) which covers much of South Africa and
Zimbabwe/Rhodesia. Mr. Armstrong met the King of Swaziland on one of his
trips to Southern Africa.
The majority of members may hear Mr. Armstrong on a regular basis. We
also direct The Plain Truth readership to the station, which broadcasts
The World Tomorrow at
P.M. Friday nights on shortwave and medium
wave frequencies.
The response has not been spectacular, but anyone who came into the Church
through listening to Mr. Armstrong knows how valuable that regular contact
is. We feel we have a reasonable-sized audience. The station has been
signed on for another year's contract.
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
Through his Personal column in the October/November PLAIN TRUTH, Mr.
Armstrong excited readers with the announcement that THE BIBLE STORY by
Basil W0lverton would once again be made available for distribution.
Many, familiar with THE BIBLE STORY, grew to deeply appreciate Mr.
Wolverton's literary and artistic talent and expressed hope that the
books would soon be republished. In fact, many requests for the book
are received daily.
We are continuing to receive comments from listeners of The WORLD
TOMORROW program expressing gratitude over hearing Mr. Armstrong's
inspiring broadcasts. We are including a number of reactions from new
and longtime listeners alike.
--Mail Processing Center
Anticipating New Edition of the Bible Story
In your personal this month in The PLAIN TRUTH, you are paying
tribute to Mr. Basil Wolverton. Thanks so much that you are going
to reprint new editions of The Bible Story books. That's just a
prayer answered. I know several new church members who have been
praying that they would be reprinted so they could get a copy for
themselves and their children. I've read them several times and
always enjoy going back over them again and again.
--Ruth Baker (Huntsville, AL)
Thanks a million for deciding to print The Bible Story book, again.
For the seven years I have been in God's true Church I have wished
you would print it again. It seems too good to be true, how I
wanted a complete set! It would be fantastic if it were in book­
stores because it is unlike any other "Bible Story" book. It
wouldn't surprise me if God would use it to call adults in the world.
--Gordon L. Solt {Burbank, CA)
I am so happy you are going to order a new edition of The Bible
Story book by Mr. Wolverton. I was not able to obtain all of the
old volumes, but the ones I had were worn out from use while I was