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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1979
Page 6
Leonard Schreiber, Minneapolis, Minn., September: As best as I can
determine, the brethren are really loyal to God and His apostle.
Dave Fiedler, Wausau & Appleton, Wisconsin, September: I've noticed that
the brethren here are more enthusiastic about volunteering their help than
in recent years.
Steve Buchanan, Rapid City, S. Dak., September: We are in a very beauti­
ful area and the Church is expressing stability and loyalty to God's
Arthur Docken, Omaha, Neb., September: Everyone I've talked to is very
enthusiastic about recent ordinations--especially Mr. Rader's!
Allan Barr, Chicago Southside, September: The response was gratifying
after I announced the recent ordinations to evangelist rank. I have
believed for a long time that as Mr. Armstrong's assistant Mr. Rader
should be ordained a minister. He has shown that he has the guts to
stand up against the enemies of the Church, and I feel in many ways he
has been preaching the gospel.
Dr. Lynn Torrance (Local Elder), Texarkana, Texas, September: Enthusiasm
and morale is very good in Texarkana. Attendance continues to set
recor9s. Growth is way above average.
Bob Spence, St. Louis, Mo., September: Gossip is disappearing as the mem­
bers strive to overcome, and as they look to Mr. Armstrong and Pasadena
for guidance and encouragement and the right example. Feast fever has
really swept the members!!!
The Plain Truth and Quest are printed and distributed from a massive
printing facility tucked away in the green rolling hills of Kentucky.
I returned last week from the R. R. Donnelley printing plant which is in
Glasgow, Kentucky, 80 miles north of Nashville. I met with their manage­
ment to go over some needed changes in our production cycle and introduced
Vikki Matulewicz of Quest to the Quest distribution system which was set
up back in 1976.
The employees at the R. R. Donnelley plant in Kentucky are generally
very proud to be a part of producing the Plain Truth. Glasgow is in the
"Bible Belt" and the Plain Truth has, to them, backed up their beliefs
for many years. It is not unusual to be called aside and given a warm
handshake or a word of praise for the Plain Truth from a shop floor
worker. Word soon gets around that somebody from the Plain Truth is in
their plant. I mention this because Donnelley prints many other magazines
in Glasgow, but the Plain Truth is set aside in the minds of many people
as being something special--even by those who may not be regular readers
One last point regarding Quest magazine. Some of you may have noticed
that unfortunately the January cover carried the word "Damn." It was
agreed with our New York staff that this word should not be used and an
alternative was typeset as a replacement. Unfortunately, through an
administrative error in the production department in New York the change
was not made. The next thing we saw was the printed cover with the
offending word still in place.