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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1979
Page 5
*Will be holding special lectures in the Tampa area in four different
locations, starting February 3 and ending April 16, 1980.
Remember to encourage your congregations to be praying for the success of
all these and other Public Bible Lectures as the dates draw near. All
�asters who can are certainly encouraged to begin making plans for their
own Public Bible Lectures.
We'll plan to keep you up to date on the progress of all the lectures.
This is a very important and exciting part of the Work of God in which
the local Pastors and the local churches can be directly involved.
As a part of this program, Mr. Armstrong has approved a nine-minute film
which can be shown before a lecture begins to provide a moving background
and introduction to Mr. Armstrong and the Work. This will help to set
the tone for the lectures and provide an introduction for the Pastor who
is speaking.
Let us know when you decide to begin planning your Public Bible Lectures.
Comments From the Monthly Church Reports
The following comments represent a cross section of the feelings and
trends in the Church as reported by many pastors on their monthly church
James Reyer, Des Moines, Iowa, October: The members here are
very good
shape spiritually. I am very pleased with the attitude of this Church.
John Elliott, Mena, Arkansas, October: Everyone is "starry-eyed" and
very receptive in this the second month of the Mena Church. The brethren
loved the Feast.
John Elliott, Fayetteville, Ark., October: Everyone is still full of the
effects of a great Feast! Those who had been lax in diligence are becoming
spiritually rejuvenated.
Warren J. Heaton, Jr., Rolla, Mo., October: All the members here are
looking to H.Q. Mr. Waterhouse spoke 11-21-79. His sermon was very
inspiring--God's people need this type of encouragement. Thank you for
sending him!
Dave Havir, Iowa City, Iowa, November: The members have responded
positively to Mr. Armstrong's admonitions to become "cleaned up" spirit­
ually, and are anxiously waiting to hear the results of Mr. Armstrong's
trip to China.
Hal W. Baird, Jr., Houston East, October:
For weeks prior to the
and now following the Feast, attitudes are decidedly on the posi­
tive side. The brethren say the F.O.T. was inspirational and uplifting
to them.
Richard Rand, Columbia, Mo., November: I have just received the December
number of The PLAIN TRUTH. It is outstanding! One of the best in years
--chock full of Biblical understanding and truth. We are on the right
track now with this publication. Thanks again!