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The general tone reflects a feeling that the Work is moving into a new
dimension of spreading the Gospel.
Then there is a letter from a member who offers a solution to handling
"trick or treaters."
As a final note of interest, we have included a letter from a member that
gives a unique and interesting view of the State versus Church issue.
--Mail Processing Center
Interest in China Trip
I'm determined to remain in constant prayer for you on the coming
trip and in all the activities of God's Work that go on day by day.
With the Holy Spirit binding us all together in strength and unity,
I know we can soon get the job done!
--James Davenport (Gumberry, NC)
Best wishes on your upcoming China trip. I understand that you have
been invited to view a section of the Great Wall. I have heard that
when our astronauts orbit the earth that this is the one man-made
feature that is distinguishable on the earth's surface. Having been
constructed without the aid of modern equipment, it is truly a great
work. Yet God has called you for an even greater Work to proclaim
the message of the time when He will tear down that even greater
wall that separates man from God.
--Mr. David Schroeder (Athens, WI)
We know Mr. Rader is overseas again preparing the way for your
upcoming trip to China and meetings with leaders of that enormously
populous nation. Everyone here in Pasadena we have talked to is
praying for him and the success of his contacts in China. We pray
it is God's will for you to be able to endure not only the cold of
that nation at this time of the year, but to be shielded from upsets
some suffer from their customs of eating and drinking. We know God
will protect His servants wherever He finds it necessary to send
them. This trip is most necessary if we are to reach into the last
two great nations in the grip of atheistic communism who have not
yet been warned.
--Selmer L. Hegvold (Pasadena, CA)
It was unbelievable to read in the recent GOOD NEWS that China has
embarked on a Bible promotional program just prior to your meeting
with the heads of state in that officially "atheistic" land. This
surely is some kind of miracle and undoubtedly our God inspired it
to carry out His plans for enlightening at least a few people there.
--Mr. & Mrs. William Witte (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)
Hearing you from Tucson, live, on the Last Great Day was very
uplifting and rewarding. Anyone who calls you s�ni+e is a fool
and an idiot! We pray for your upcoming trip to China to facilitate
world events and Christ's return to set up His glorious Kingdom.
--Alan K. Swikle (Kalamazoo, MN)