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God is apparently making the Karlsbad Feast site also available in 1980!
In November Frau Medkova and Dr. Macourek, two top officials in the Czech
Government tourist bureau "CEDOK," visited the Pasadena campus on
invitation of Mr. Frank Schnee, Regional Director for the German-language
Work. Following a campus tour and a lunch with the Pasadena faculty, the
two Czech officials flew to Tucson for a visit with Mr. Armstrong. At
the close of their stay (the pair returned to Europe Saturday, November
17th), Dr. Macourek made the following remarkable statement: "Now I
know God MUST exist, because otherwise many things could never have worked
out for Ambassador College as they have!"
October was a good month for incoming mail. In fact, one of the best
months this year. We attribute it to the increased booklet advertising
we've had in the KLAR & WAHR magazine lately. Another reason for comments
were the articles on Franz Josef Strauss and Otto von Habsburg in this
The biggest encouragement is our year-to-date total income with Holy Day
Offerings included. It is a solid 28.7% increase over 1978.
United Kingdom
Feast attendance at the four sites in the U.K. and Ireland topped 4,000
for the first time this year. This represents a rise of 5% over 1978
and produced an offering up 22%!
October's �ail income was 30% above the figure for October 1978, bringing
the year-to-date increase to 24%.
However, with Bank Rate at an all-time high of 17% and the mortgage
interest rate hitting 15% for the first time this week, there is the
growing feeling in this country that the economy is in for a very rough
ride in 1980, with inflation forecast at 20%. This is bound to have an
impact on the Work as a whole.
Mr. Frank Brown, Regional Director, has returned from a two-week visiting
tour to Nairobi (Kenya), Rome, Catania (Sicily), Jerusalem and Greece.
In Nairobi he spoke to Mr. Owen Willis and Mr. Harold Jackson on the
future of the Work in that part of the world.
In Rome Mr. Brown visited the three members we have there and increased
the size of the Church in Sicily by 100% when he baptized three more!
Finally, after visiting the site of the excavations being carried out
jointly by the Hebrew University and A.I.C.F. in Jerusalem, he spent a
few days with the brethren in Greece, where one man was baptized, before
returning to London on the 18th. Incidentally, this baptism was probably
the first in Greece since the Apostle Paul's day!
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
For this week's comments we have included letters concerning Mr. Arm­
strong's trip to China, Halloween and the State versus Church issue.
The comments about the China Trip are from Church members expressing
enthusiasm for Mr. Armstrong's trip to the People's Republic of China.