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We will all be with you in spirit when you go to China, and pray
that God will put the right words in your mind to say to them so
they can hear the true message that Jesus came to give us.
--Marie Medina (St. Petersburg, FL)
Was Ready for Halloween!
This Halloween I had loads of children at my door and most of the
little kids had their parents with them. But I was ready for them
this year. I had made up a reprint of G. 0. Marx's article he wrote
for The PLAIN TRUTH, October 1976. In fact, I had a hundred or so
printed. I tried to explain to each little kid that this was for
his parents to read to them. I thought they ought to understand
just what they were doing. I wonder if any seeds were planted?
No damage was done to my place. Nothing disturbed, many houses were.
-- C. B. Henderson (Hillsdale, MI)
Reevaluation of Church's Legal Battle
Thank you for your very inspiring message on the Last Great Day of
the Feast! My hair stood on end at the thought of the entire U.S.
brethren sitting united listening to your voice proclaiming the
meaning behind the last Holy Day--the Great White Throne Judgment
when all mankind will have a chance for salvation. I hope we can
have other services like that one in the future.
In Mr. Rader's preceding message, I was also inspired by the thought
that we carry the burden of all churches in the United States in
keeping the state out of religion as guaranteed in the Constitution's
Bill of Rights. I believe there is a biblical injunction to do what­
ever we as the Church of the Living God can do to combat a state
In Deuteronomy 22:23-27 is found a statute concerning a virgin
betrothed to a husband who, if forced to have intercourse with a
man (in the city, where there is someone to help her) carries the
same guilt as the man if she fails to cry out to bring to light this
crime. It is clear that it is her duty to try to prevent being
raped and I feel that there is a"strong spiritual analogy where the
Worldwide Church of God, as a virgin church betrothed to the soon­
returning groom Jesus Christ, has a duty to proclaim to the United
States (and the world) this assault by the State of California
(attempted spiritual fornication). Attention must be brought to the
fact that there is a wrong being perpetrated on the Church by the
government. It is not just a matter of protecting our religious
freedoms, but it goes fqr deeper in that we have a duty to protect
the Church's spiritual virginity in awaiting the return of Jesus
Christ, and of course we have His help to count on.
I just thought that in hearing Mr. Rader's talk we all have had
strong but sometimes mixed feelings about what has happened over
the past year, but that the Bible shows without a doubt we have a
duty to protect the Church, and we can in clear conscience do what­
ever in our power to perform that duty!