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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1979
Page 9
excellent opportunity opened up last week and permits us 30-second spot
ads over the entire two-week period of the Olympics in Edmonton, Calgary,
Saskatoon and Regina.
With the October/November issue of The PLAIN TRUTH, we began printing the
English language magazine /for Canada/ here in Canada. This exciting new
development gives flexibility in advertising timely literature for
Canadians, and overall helps us serve Canada more effectively.
Canadian Church and Media Status
Baptisms This Year................................
Co-Workers................ -........................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Correspondence Course (Active Students) ...........
Good News Circulation.............................
PLAIN TRUTH Circulation: English..................
Sept. 30
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
This past week we had visitors from the New York QUEST Office. Mr. Bob
Shnayerson, the Editor; Ms. Vicki Matulewicz, Circulation Director; and
Ollis Pitts, Controller, were in Pasadena for talks with Mr. Stan Rader,
Mr. Jack Bicket and their staff team. They also took a tour of our
facilities in Pasadena and spent some time in the Publishing area for
further discussions on the production aspects of QUEST with Mr. Ray
Wright and myself.
Ms. Vicki Matulewicz is our new Circulation Director and comes to us from
BOOK DIGEST. She succeeds Peter Hoyt. Vicki is highly esteemed in her
field and was the marketing strategist who doubled BOOK DIGEST'S circula­
tion from 300,000 to 600,000 in a single year. She then further boosted
it to its current level of over one million. Vicki is very optimistic
that QUEST magazine will continue to grow beyond the new circulation base
rate of 330,000 by 1981. We would like to welcome Vicki to our staff.
--Roger Lippross
Each month the Subscriber Development section of MPC sends out a monthly
newsletter called "Update" to donors and co-workers. The "Update" briefly
covers news of the Work and �r. Armstrong's activities--and also offers
literature which will help its readers to grow spiritually.
Response from donors and co-workers to the literature offer in the Octo­
ber "Update" has been tremendously encouraging! Already, in just two
weeks, a record-breaking response has been received from co-workers--and
we also expect the response from donors to be the highest received so far
this year from an "Update" mailing!
Presently, co-workers have given us a 13.4% response (which we expect to
reach 15%), and donor response stands at 8% (which we expect to go over
10%) .