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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1979
Page 8
It'll be tremendous good news to see and hear that on the sixth day
of the great Feast four persons were baptized....On the whole, our
trips to and God's great Feast in Kya In village is the best Feast
ever--is a tremendous success ....
I am greatly delighted and thankful to God for our beloved American
brethren's good wishes to us all, and would you please thank them on
my behalf and give them my personal warm greetings and regards and
my wholehearted best wishes....
Yes, more problems, rumors and smear campaigns are spreading, but
none can worry or trouble me. Nothing can separate me from the love
of God, Jesus and His apostle, Mr. Armstrong, and His faithful
ministers, and His Church. The Church of God in Burma is solidly
100% behind Jesus Christ and Mr. Herbert Armstrong.
We have had four excellent months of financial growth in tithes and
offerings. July and August both yielded 25% increases. September's
increase is 14.4% and October just closed at plus 34%. Year-to-date in­
come now stands at a plus 14% over this time last year.
Expenses are down eight percent, affording the Canadian region of God's
Work a very sound financial basis on which to begin pointing towards the
Media and Promotional Activities: The newsstand program has now reached
the 350,000 per month level.
The 1979/80 advertising campaign is now in full swing with ads appearing
in T.V. Guide, T.V. Hebda, Canadian Weekend, Vancouver T.V. Guide,
Perspectives, Bulletin des Agriculteurs, and Homemakers. We have en­
couraged our advertising agency to present more dynamic ad copy and the
current campaign reflects that change.
A new approach to reaching the public has been tested in five Canadian
newspapers--in Prince George, Red Deer, North Battleford, Peterborough
and Moncton. This consists of a newspaper flyer, in full colour,
advertising a free subscription to The PLAIN TRUTH. It has produced a
very acceptable return and will be expanded to other c ities and towns
in the next few months. Approximately four and one-half million
flyers will have been distributed in Canada by the end of March, 1980.
We will be advertising in a German language newspaper reaching seven
Canadian cities in November. Additionally, Italian language ads will
be run in the Montreal and Toronto areas offering the booklet "Why Were
You Born" in Italian. These promotions will allow us to reach different
segments of Canada's multi-faceted population.
The World Tomorrow radio program is now airing on seventy-three stations
(six in French) countrywide and beginning to produce responses which
demonstrate a higher degree of commitment to God's truth.
During the 1980 Winter Olympics CTV live coverage from Lake Placid in
New York state, we will be advertising The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. This