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PASTOR'S GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1979
Page 10
The literature which has been so enthusiastically requested is a new "re­
print series" pamphlet on "The Three Resurrections." The subject of
death and the hope of life through resurrection is presented in a very
positive and uplifting manner. As one paragraph from the ad states:
This series of articles explains a wondrous doctrine of the Bible-­
the resurrections from death!
The final fulfillment of God's plan
for our eternal destiny and purpose is made plain. Here is the
amazing truth about life after death, beyond the grave, that every
one of us is destined to experience."
Many of our donors and co-workers are over
years of age and the topic
of death, and life after death, is of vital importance to them. We
believe that the subject matter of this "reprint series" pamphlet is
one reason for the exceptional response.
With this pamphlet, "The
Three Resurrections," they are able to read the plain truth from God's
Word about some of the most universally perplexing questions of human
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Mr. Herbert Armstrong's live sermon on the Last Great Day drew many
appreciative comments. We have included a few letters to give the gen­
eral flavor of the comments.
--Mail Processing Center
The Last Great Day of The Feast
I don't think there is enough paper to contain the excitement we
felt on the Last Great Day. To be together all over the U.S. and
Canada singing praises to God was an unforgettable experience. Thank
you, sir, for bringing us together and speaking to us.
--Mr. & Mrs. Richard Howe (Oroville, CA)
The sermons were certainly inspiring. But the dessert (so to speak)
came on the Last Great Day. I was delighted that we could hear you
from the Tucson feast site. When announced on Friday, I got tears
of joy.
--E. Ahner (Asafield, PA)
I was so delighted that you were able to get the closed circuit
hookup for all sites to hear, and most to see, you in action from
Tucson. It was so inspiring. Thank you for your great message
of hope. And I hope I can clean up my part and get ready for the
return of our Saviour.
--Mrs. H. Larson (Brevard, NC)
I was overjoyed when I learned the news that you would give a live
sermon on the Last Great Day. It was amazing and I thank God for
making available such a wonder as coast-to-coast live transmission.
--Steve Baranaskas (Bloomsburg, PA)