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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1979
Page 5
"The Institute is particularly sensitive to the perils to which the
Attorney General's medieval assertions of power expose the smaller and
less well established churches and religious organizations, and it
firmly believes that this Court will be quick to perceive this danger and
turn it back."
--Institute for the Study of American Religion
"This case has become a matter of nationwide concern to numerous religious
organizations and other groups that treasure First Amendment guarantees
of religious liberty. As an entity closely attuned to the situation at
hand, the National Association of Evangelicals recognizes the danger to
its organization and to the thousands of churches it represents. As
such, the National Association of Evangelicals is intensely interested in
seeing a prompt termination of the State's ill-conceived venture into the
regulation of the.Church....
"Quite frankly, the National Assoc tion of Evangelicals has never before
in its history encountered such a sustained and destructive governmental
assault on religious liberty. In fact, the Worldwide Church of God's
reports of the State of Californ 's activities would be beyond belief
were they not supported in full by court transcripts and written docu ­
--National Association of Evangelicals
" ...We submit that a more complete departure from the long established
constitutional principles and tradition of religious freedom can scarcely
be imagined..• In brief, the Attorney General claims that, despite consti­
tutional restrictions, the religious nature of a Church does not limit or
restrict the power of control and supervision which he claims to possess
over secular charitable organizations ....
"This basic issue is the focal point of our concern, and surely that of
all persons and organizations interested in religious freedom. The basic
issue is squarely before the Court. If, as we sincerely contend, the
actions of the Attorney General involve an unconstitutional abuse of the
power of government, the discovery orders here involved, together with
the entire action, must fail.
"This basic issue can and should be determined at this time. We respect­
fully submit that the Attorney General has now placed this Court in a
position where failure to address this issue can be interpreted as at
least indirect support of the position asserted by the State.... "
--The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles
"The Committee to Defend the First Amendment Research Institute has kept
itself informed concerning the development of the bizarre and Draconian
receivership device which has been applied and abused in what has esca­
lated into a war of destruction mounted by the State of California against
a church of which it disapproves....
"The Committee to Defend the First Amendment Research Institute is aware
that the assault upon The Wo dwide Church of God has been presented to